Thursday, March 9, 2017

Take a Chance on Change

Today, we did some more exploring around Sedona, the Red Rock country.  There is a large rock formation that is called The Cathedral, that stands out among the other red rock formations.  Yesterday, upon seeing it from two different views, it looks like one massive rock formation.  But when viewed from other directions, you can see this formation is made up of four different rocks.  

Again, today as we were going down the road, we could see The Cathedral in the distance, one big hunk of rock.  As we went around the curve, our view changed and there were three of the formations showing.  A little further down the road and around another curve, we could see four separate rocks.  

Later, we were going on a new road and came over a hill and we saw a very large mountain in the distance.  It was one of the larger formations we had seen, miles long.  As we continued on the road and got closer, suddenly we could see the breaks in this "miles long" mountain. They were canyons and rivers, ways to get through and around the mountain.  In fact, several different mountains came into view.  If we had just stopped at the top of the hill and not explored the road, going up and down hills and around curves, we would never seen how many components made up that mountain.

Life's journey is like this... we explore, we go down new roads, up and down hills and around curves....not really sure what we will see or do next.   It's a chance we take.  Around every curve is a change in scenery.  Even if the road is familiar, going around a curve can bring something animal or tree on the road  You just never know.  If we stop on the route before we go over the hill or around the corner, we will have only one perception of the view.  We become stagnant, never seeing what the road or for that matter, what life has to offer.  

As I found out today, even the same thing, a mountain, can look different as we travel the curves of life.  It got me thinking further, what "mountains" do I have in my life that have stopped me at the top of the hill?  What "mountains" look miles long and I can't see the breaks in the formation, therefore it's impenetrable?  What "mountains" will look different as I go around the curves in my life's roads?  My perception of these "mountains" will only change if I am willing to continue moving, changing with every curve.  

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