Thursday, February 28, 2008


My "bucket list" is growing! Added the three US states that I have not been in yet, Alaska, Hawaii and West Virginia. Also added Galapagos Islands, in conjunction with hubby's bucket list. He has mentioned this dream for years, to go to Galapagos Islands and seeing the extraordinary wildlife. I have seen TV shows and photos now and then from there and was not sure if it was high on my list or not.

The other day a travel brochure came in the mail from National Geographic about a trip there. I thought hubby had ordered the brochure, but he claims, "Not." Anyway these islands do look like an interesting place for a photographer! At a cost of around $7000 for the trip (including airfare) I need to walk at least 700 miles to earn my $10/mile for trips. At my current rate of miles per day that's about 15 and half months! Besides walking to get in shape, I might as well walk for a major photography trip to a place not too many people can say they have been.

Sooo many places to see, sooo little time! I guess I'd better get out walking!

Monday, February 25, 2008


Thinking about our next trip. We're going to the Texas Hill Country in April. That area is famous for the wild flowers and I hope to have as much awesome scenery as we did last year when we went to the Victoria, TX area.

I have to change my password on my computer about every six weeks or so. I usually think of something or event in the future so that I can be motivated to keep working. Right now my password is HILL04 for Hill country in April. The one that I just finished was CRV208 for Honda CRV in Feb, 2008. Eh! It worked. Last year I did WWW1007 for my sister's Wild Women's Weekend in October, 2007.

I am trying to think of other ways to motivate myself to get back walking again, so I came up with paying myself $10 for every mile that I walk. In other words, right now I have $30 in the "bank" to use on future trips. $30 will almost cover a tank of gas & if I walk a lot between now and April, I will not have to sleep in the car (i.e. I'll have enough in the "bank" for a hotel room). Those that know me will know that a trip is a big motivator for me. And those that know me will also know that I am a grand planner and schemer, but perseverance is my weak spot.

We just won't count the $40 I spent yesterday to buy myself a armband portable radio, after I dropped my old portable radio on the cement driveway on Saturday. I started listening to the radio on my walks as it's usually dark when I walk (i.e. not much to see) and I got tired of "listening" to myself think! Whatever gets me going.... is motivation!

Friday, February 22, 2008

A Different Path

Eight months ago I embarked on this PES Project. The past few months, I have not written much, but yet a lot has happened to me to bring me un-rest and also, peace. Maybe "happened" is not the best word as most un-rest has been "self-inflicted." Maybe it's SAD, seasonal affective disorder.... I always get cranky in winter, even if it's 80 degrees outside.

I am planning now. Planning for my short adventures, searching out new things to do and try. (Read previous blogs for better understanding). Hubby and I made a commitment to go to The Island (South Padre Island) when we moved here and we have fulfilled that "commitment" almost every month. Now, I'm ready to take another weekend each month & go sight-seeing or try something new. If we leave after work on Friday, we can travel quite a few miles into central Texas by nightfall, so the state is wide open for us to explore. Also, since I'm working, what's a few hundred dollars to take a quick airplane trip to..... anywhere? Why not?

I was listening a Charlie Daniel's Band CD that I have and on there is a "litany" about America and "Have you ever seen....?" It asks if ..."seen elk in Colorado, Ice Palace in St. Paul, etc." It goes on to describe America as diverse and special, of course. I realized that most of things mentioned I have seen or done. Wow! What a life I've had. I am sooo blessed. It also makes be eager to do more... take those short adventures to check what's out in the brushes of the wilderness. The brushes of life.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


This morning I awoke from a dream.... one of those thought-provoking ones that keep you awake wondering what would have happened next if I had stayed asleep dreaming.

In my dream I was traveling down a narrow, flat road, actually it was more like a gravel path. In the distance I could see a wall that went across the road and extended as far as the eye could see. I knew the wall meant the end of my journey, death. I was not afraid, it was reality. However I realized that I had a choice on what I did in my life between right now and when I got to the wall. I knew that timing was not an issue, I would get to the wall when I got there. I was filled with the sense that I could just slowly cruise down the path, straight and narrow, enjoying the scenery. Enjoying what I've accomplished so far in life. My other choice was to dart here and there on side paths and see what adventures lay under the bushes in the field around the road. One choice left me feeling relaxed and the other choice left me feeling excited.

I awoke with the question, which way am I going to travel to that wall? Both choices were appealing. I lay in bed imagining both choices and I imagined feeling relaxed and bored in re-living accomplishments. I could also imagine feeling excited and exhausted in seeking new adventures. I came up with the "answer" to how I could travel to the wall, the end of my life. I could take short side trips, finding new things to do, see and live. Then I could come back to the road and relax and travel the straight-and-narrow for awhile. Then go back to the new things and back to relaxing. I thought of it as a combination of the tortoise and hare philosophy. I like that journey, I think it may fit me!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Four More Years!

"Four more years! Four more years!" So goes the political chant in the re-election years. This year of course we don't hear that chant in the political arena.

Guess what? It's my new motto now. I just bought a new car and it's car payments again for four more years. It's committing to work for four more years to make those car payments. Hubby says I should get personalized license plates that read "4 MO YRS." He's quite clever, right?

Some people would say that his "cleverness" has more to do with getting me to agree to work four more years, while he's retired and golfing. Regardless, I'm OK with working, it keeps me out of trouble at home or in my community. Besides, I think I'd be down right bored with nothing to do and no money to do "it" with! So let's get on with it! Only 1040 work days left to go! Oh yes, I did get my Glacier Blue Honda CRV with a moon roof and I feel like a queen driving it! Just can't wait to get to work tomorrow! :)

Saturday, February 16, 2008


"Write your sorrows in the sand, Carve your blessings in stone."

That is a saying on a plaque that my sister gave me last year. I have mentally been repeating it to myself lately so that I can find some semblance of order in my chaotic life.

"Chaotic," in the fact that I feel out-of-control with my self. I'm eating too much, drinking too much alcohol, not drinking water, not walking, working too many long hours and not writing. I know that if this keeps on, I am going to find myself flat on my face in misery or flat on my back with disease, a bad cold or flu or something that will make me slow down. If that happens, then I may have to take a day off work and the work will pile up more! Which will create more out-of-control feelings.

OK, now I have written my "sorrows" in the sand. Let the waves wash away my writings. Let the waves of love and forgiveness wash away my sorrows, my fears and my anxiety. Let me start to concentrate on carving my blessings on the stone.

I have a lot of blessings in which to be thankful.
  • I am healthy (regardless of my recent eating and drinking habits)
  • I have a good relationship with my hubby
  • I have a job that challenges and rewards me
  • I have parents that are still alive and visiting me
  • I have a nice, big place to live (and it's warm & sunny)
  • I have dependable vehicles to allow me to travel around
  • I have friends that care

Yes, I have alot of blessings to "carve into stone." Blessings that can sustain me and get me going in a straight path rather than the circles of chaos, which leads to spinning out of control. I think that I need to take one of those "circles of chaos" and commit to work on it each day. If I try to stop everything at once, it will seem to be an impossible and daunting task. However, I can work on one thing a day. One day at a time. I can do one thing, one day, while I keep repeating my blessings until the feeling of thankfulness is engrained in my heart and soul.


"Write your sorrows in the sand,
Carve your blessings in stone."

Monday, February 4, 2008

A Crisis of the Oldest Kind

Last night, I think I figured out what is happening with me lately. I am in the throes of a mid-life-crisis! It's logical explanation, I think!

When the new year turned 2008, it meant one more year until I have my 40th high school class reunion. 2008 is the year my "baby" sisters turn 40 and I know I'm old enough to be their mother. 2008 is way too close to 2011 when I turn 60 years old. I live in the hot-bed of Winter Texans and in many cases all I see are white-haired, elderly people.... the local RV park's dance, the taco night at the American Legion, the kite festival at the island, the lutefisk supper at church.... all of these since last Tuesday night!

I feel like I'm in one of those horror movies where the laughing clown keeps popping up on the screen to make fun of you while you are terrified. Only it's white-haired, elderly people popping up on the scene to remind that I'm getting there... old age.... sooner than I want to admit! It's a mid-life crisis, it's got to be! Why else would I dig out a 33-years-old picture and show it to hubby and Mom to "prove" that "I don't look that much older, do I?"

Why else would I want to sell my house to get away from older people (and turmoil)? Why else would I want to buy a new sporty car? No, not in the color of candy-apple-red, but glacier-blue to match the cold blood in my veins. Yes, cold-blooded, that is the way I felt after writing my blog yesterday. I guess I just wanted to exclaim about .... I don't want to get old!

But if I'm lucky, it's inevitable that I will get old. I know I need to count my blessings. What else does a person do for a mid-life crisis? Besides cry?

Sunday, February 3, 2008

What's It Like?

What's it like..... to get old?

During the past few weeks, I've really been surrounded by older people. My parents are here visiting for four weeks; my neighbors are all over 55 (which puts me as one of the youngest in the community); church members and the majority of attendees at two recent events were all white-haired; and last night I played dominoes with all people older than me.

Part of me wants to retire soon, so that I can relax. However, part of me fears the concept of never seeing anyone younger than me for days on end! You can go ahead and smile and laugh at my fear, but gosh I'm not sure I want to get OLD. Many older people slow down physically and mentally.

What's it like to not be able to grasp the rules of a game? What's it like to repeat the same story time after time? What's like to be a widow and lose your spouse or best friend? What's it like to feel that your body is aching and not up-to-speed as it used to be?

I found a picture of myself from about 33 years ago and compared it to a recent picture taken of hubby and I for church directory. Thankfully, I can say that except for gained weight, the area around my eyes is mainly what shows my age the most. No, the recent picture was not airbrushed! Looks, however, aren't everything. How do I feel? Compared to a year ago when I was suffering shortness of breath, I feel quite healthy. I felt "old" last year. Could I be slimmer and healthier? There is no doubt. My mind is quite healthy considering I have a job that keeps it going constantly. However, I do tell my staff to email me their questions or requests "because I might forget by the time I get back to my office," which happens more than I want to admit!

Yesterday, I was telling hubby and my parents that I had a "wierd dream" Saturday morning. I dreamt that I had retired and that I was making money by making candy. Chocolate cowboy boots. I have not made much candy in my life, but maybe it would be an interesting thing to try. As long as I don't eat too much of it, it may keep me young! Trying new things, that is.

What's it like.... being a candy maker?