Sunday, February 3, 2008

What's It Like?

What's it like..... to get old?

During the past few weeks, I've really been surrounded by older people. My parents are here visiting for four weeks; my neighbors are all over 55 (which puts me as one of the youngest in the community); church members and the majority of attendees at two recent events were all white-haired; and last night I played dominoes with all people older than me.

Part of me wants to retire soon, so that I can relax. However, part of me fears the concept of never seeing anyone younger than me for days on end! You can go ahead and smile and laugh at my fear, but gosh I'm not sure I want to get OLD. Many older people slow down physically and mentally.

What's it like to not be able to grasp the rules of a game? What's it like to repeat the same story time after time? What's like to be a widow and lose your spouse or best friend? What's it like to feel that your body is aching and not up-to-speed as it used to be?

I found a picture of myself from about 33 years ago and compared it to a recent picture taken of hubby and I for church directory. Thankfully, I can say that except for gained weight, the area around my eyes is mainly what shows my age the most. No, the recent picture was not airbrushed! Looks, however, aren't everything. How do I feel? Compared to a year ago when I was suffering shortness of breath, I feel quite healthy. I felt "old" last year. Could I be slimmer and healthier? There is no doubt. My mind is quite healthy considering I have a job that keeps it going constantly. However, I do tell my staff to email me their questions or requests "because I might forget by the time I get back to my office," which happens more than I want to admit!

Yesterday, I was telling hubby and my parents that I had a "wierd dream" Saturday morning. I dreamt that I had retired and that I was making money by making candy. Chocolate cowboy boots. I have not made much candy in my life, but maybe it would be an interesting thing to try. As long as I don't eat too much of it, it may keep me young! Trying new things, that is.

What's it like.... being a candy maker?


Robyn Austin said...

Just wait until the YOUNG Austin clan visits you next month! You might appreciate the current OLDER pace (and company) after all ;-)

Rayna Delaney said...

Look forward to it, immensely!Rayna