Saturday, February 23, 2013

Old Home Town

Yesterday I was surprised to get a call from Guest Relations (i.e. Receptionist) that I had a visitor that wanted to see me.  When I asked who, she replied, "Mizz Nelson."  Being I am in deep Texas where there are not very many Nelsons, I began to rack my brain for who it could be.  I thought, "No way!  My sister Romey (Nelson) is surprising me with a visit."  So I anxiously awaited my visitor. 

It was not my sister, but a friend of my parents from my old home town, Beulah Nelson.  She stopped by to say "hello," and give me some news about our mutual friends and her family.  It was nice to catch up with her. She was also a teacher to my youngest siblings and wanted to know how they were doing.  It was a very pleasant break in the day for me. 

About two hours later, I was returning to my office and knocking on my door were two other home town friends, John and Millie Lundgren.  Wow!  They were at the hospital visiting someone and decided to "see where I worked."  They came in and we had a nice visit.  They remarked on how frail my dad looked while he was here in Texas.  Yep, there is no doubt, he's frail.  Then we talked a bit about their son and his wife who just found out she has melanoma.  Oh my! 

It felt like a red-letter day for me seeing these friends from up North.  There are so many wonderful people all over, but there is always something special about seeing old friends in new places.  God bless them all!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

What was I thinking?

What was I thinking?  I went to the new drugstore on the corner right after work when I was tired.  I don't make the best choices for myself when I'm tired.  I looked around and picked up a few toiletry items and ended up in the candy section.  Look what I found.

Oh my!  I love mint and raspberry and dark chocolate and they were on sale!  So I bought them. 

In Texas, we do a lot of bragging, I'm sure you're aware of that.  Everybody brags about the Texan ice cream named Blue Bell.  I somehow have avoided it for six plus years and today at the new store, I saw it again. 

Oh my!  I love chocolate, caramel, pecans, almonds and walnuts!  So I bought it.

So what was I thinking as I unloaded these items and took these photos while I was simmering my vegetable broth with chicken, broccoli and garlic?  I was thinking that good girls that eat a nutritious dinner, then walk a brisk mile, and then blog about...... deserve a couple of treats.  Right?  What was I thinking?  :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


My sister posted a picture of some yummy looking brownies on Facebook today.  Since I did not have a theme or photo for today, I got to thinking of my new desserts.  Below is my photo of the day....

I love my sweets and struggle daily with my cravings trying to tempt me to go and get a candy bar or chocolate chip cookie.  So, I rely on my Extra support....Extra Dessert Delights sugar-free gum!  They started with Mint Chocolate Chip and then kept adding more new desserts.  Do you like Orange Creme Pop, Rainbow Sherbet, Lemon Squares or Apple Pie?  Those are some of the flavors I have tried.  Yum-yum!!

This gum has been a saving grace and support for me to continue with my healthy eating!  Life is uncertain, eat dessert first!  :)

Monday, February 18, 2013


Today is President's Day.  Years ago, we celebrated the birthdays of a couple of the presidents - Washington and Lincoln - who were born in February.  Now we have a combined holiday.  It has become a day that we may have holiday off work, the banks and federal offices (namely the Post Office) are closed.   I don't know if the current schools focus on the presidents and their lives and accomplishments like we did in the past. 


All of our presidents have vowed to honor our flag.  The flag represents the freedoms that all of our presidents have vowed to protect.  I know that some people would disagree with me because they are the type of people that think that any president other than the one they voted for is a "moron" and an "imbecile."  I think it's so unfortunate that we have gotten to such a sorry state that there is little or no respect for our president.  It's doesn't matter if I voted for the blue or red president, I have the freedom to vote and I have the freedom to express my discontent with the president.  I just choose not to bad mouth our leaders, even if I may not agree with all their decisions.  But others do have the freedom to speak their minds, it's called freedom of speech.  I wonder where this will lead us? 

Sunday, February 17, 2013


Wow!  Change is happening!  I changed the name of this blog and changed the layout.

Am I prepared for my ramblings... here and there and everywhere?  I know it's time to start writing again, I missed it.  I am not a good writer, I am one of these people that just need to get my thoughts out on paper to feel resolution. 

Well to get started, here's a view that we church members were greeted to this morning.

Some one(s) broke into the storage shed and dumped about 9 or 10 gallons of paint in the church parking lot.  Quite a mess!  The pastor spoke about our Lenten journey and it got me thinking of what a mess my Lenten journey has been so far...and it's only the fifth day!  I often try to follow the Catholic tradition of "giving up" something for Lent.  So I vowed to give up facebook postings and comments.  I also vowed to give up sweets, as I really have been trying to focus on health eating this year (my new year's resolution). 

Yes, sometimes our lives seem like a mess, just like this paint.  But I look at this scene and I see large splat of red paint which is colorful and bright.  I also see how the red and white painted blended together, yet seemed to retain their original colors in narrow rivulets.  I find that in the messes of my life I can find bright spots, patterns among the chaos.  I am thankful of that. 

Here's a photo from yesterday's quilt show.

To some people, this quilt would look and feel chaotic, busy, and difficult to accept.  To me, in the midst of the chaos, I see bright colors and a pattern that connects one aspect and color to another. 

If I'm truly honest with myself and others, I do have a pattern to my chaos, craziness and inability to stick to something.  I ramble!  Yes, I ramble and I somehow enjoy it.  So, I guess I will continue with my Lenten journey and maybe by Easter, I will have some semblance of order to my life.  Maybe?