Saturday, February 23, 2013

Old Home Town

Yesterday I was surprised to get a call from Guest Relations (i.e. Receptionist) that I had a visitor that wanted to see me.  When I asked who, she replied, "Mizz Nelson."  Being I am in deep Texas where there are not very many Nelsons, I began to rack my brain for who it could be.  I thought, "No way!  My sister Romey (Nelson) is surprising me with a visit."  So I anxiously awaited my visitor. 

It was not my sister, but a friend of my parents from my old home town, Beulah Nelson.  She stopped by to say "hello," and give me some news about our mutual friends and her family.  It was nice to catch up with her. She was also a teacher to my youngest siblings and wanted to know how they were doing.  It was a very pleasant break in the day for me. 

About two hours later, I was returning to my office and knocking on my door were two other home town friends, John and Millie Lundgren.  Wow!  They were at the hospital visiting someone and decided to "see where I worked."  They came in and we had a nice visit.  They remarked on how frail my dad looked while he was here in Texas.  Yep, there is no doubt, he's frail.  Then we talked a bit about their son and his wife who just found out she has melanoma.  Oh my! 

It felt like a red-letter day for me seeing these friends from up North.  There are so many wonderful people all over, but there is always something special about seeing old friends in new places.  God bless them all!

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