Monday, February 18, 2013


Today is President's Day.  Years ago, we celebrated the birthdays of a couple of the presidents - Washington and Lincoln - who were born in February.  Now we have a combined holiday.  It has become a day that we may have holiday off work, the banks and federal offices (namely the Post Office) are closed.   I don't know if the current schools focus on the presidents and their lives and accomplishments like we did in the past. 


All of our presidents have vowed to honor our flag.  The flag represents the freedoms that all of our presidents have vowed to protect.  I know that some people would disagree with me because they are the type of people that think that any president other than the one they voted for is a "moron" and an "imbecile."  I think it's so unfortunate that we have gotten to such a sorry state that there is little or no respect for our president.  It's doesn't matter if I voted for the blue or red president, I have the freedom to vote and I have the freedom to express my discontent with the president.  I just choose not to bad mouth our leaders, even if I may not agree with all their decisions.  But others do have the freedom to speak their minds, it's called freedom of speech.  I wonder where this will lead us? 

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