Sunday, February 17, 2013


Wow!  Change is happening!  I changed the name of this blog and changed the layout.

Am I prepared for my ramblings... here and there and everywhere?  I know it's time to start writing again, I missed it.  I am not a good writer, I am one of these people that just need to get my thoughts out on paper to feel resolution. 

Well to get started, here's a view that we church members were greeted to this morning.

Some one(s) broke into the storage shed and dumped about 9 or 10 gallons of paint in the church parking lot.  Quite a mess!  The pastor spoke about our Lenten journey and it got me thinking of what a mess my Lenten journey has been so far...and it's only the fifth day!  I often try to follow the Catholic tradition of "giving up" something for Lent.  So I vowed to give up facebook postings and comments.  I also vowed to give up sweets, as I really have been trying to focus on health eating this year (my new year's resolution). 

Yes, sometimes our lives seem like a mess, just like this paint.  But I look at this scene and I see large splat of red paint which is colorful and bright.  I also see how the red and white painted blended together, yet seemed to retain their original colors in narrow rivulets.  I find that in the messes of my life I can find bright spots, patterns among the chaos.  I am thankful of that. 

Here's a photo from yesterday's quilt show.

To some people, this quilt would look and feel chaotic, busy, and difficult to accept.  To me, in the midst of the chaos, I see bright colors and a pattern that connects one aspect and color to another. 

If I'm truly honest with myself and others, I do have a pattern to my chaos, craziness and inability to stick to something.  I ramble!  Yes, I ramble and I somehow enjoy it.  So, I guess I will continue with my Lenten journey and maybe by Easter, I will have some semblance of order to my life.  Maybe?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Rayna for starting to write again. I may not get to your blog everyday, just like I can't always get to Robyn's. but, I will try. I noticed right away how the red and white stayed separate. I love the quilt. Love, Your Upstairs Daughter- Lene