Sunday, July 22, 2012

Been There, Done That

Been there, done that!  How many times do we hear or say that?  I have said it when I've visited a place or done something new and it doesn't really matter to me if I go there or do that again. 

But today's post is about the infamous weight loss scenario!  When I lost weight this past winter, I said "I am not going to gain weight and get up to ### weight again!  Been there, done that."  Well, guess what? I am not at that ### weight yet, but pretty darn close!  I can look back and see some of the good habits I learned last winter, I slowly forgot them and went back to old habits.  Good habits like weighing myself every day; drinking lots of water; eating fresh fruits and vegetables; and slowly eating my food.  I'm old enough that a person would think I had learned my lessons by now.

So, I am back to a weight loss plan.  It's not as hard as the first time last winter... err, I should say the umpteenth time I have been on a weight loss plan.  :)  I can do this because I have been there, done that! 

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