Monday, February 25, 2008


Thinking about our next trip. We're going to the Texas Hill Country in April. That area is famous for the wild flowers and I hope to have as much awesome scenery as we did last year when we went to the Victoria, TX area.

I have to change my password on my computer about every six weeks or so. I usually think of something or event in the future so that I can be motivated to keep working. Right now my password is HILL04 for Hill country in April. The one that I just finished was CRV208 for Honda CRV in Feb, 2008. Eh! It worked. Last year I did WWW1007 for my sister's Wild Women's Weekend in October, 2007.

I am trying to think of other ways to motivate myself to get back walking again, so I came up with paying myself $10 for every mile that I walk. In other words, right now I have $30 in the "bank" to use on future trips. $30 will almost cover a tank of gas & if I walk a lot between now and April, I will not have to sleep in the car (i.e. I'll have enough in the "bank" for a hotel room). Those that know me will know that a trip is a big motivator for me. And those that know me will also know that I am a grand planner and schemer, but perseverance is my weak spot.

We just won't count the $40 I spent yesterday to buy myself a armband portable radio, after I dropped my old portable radio on the cement driveway on Saturday. I started listening to the radio on my walks as it's usually dark when I walk (i.e. not much to see) and I got tired of "listening" to myself think! Whatever gets me going.... is motivation!

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