Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The List

Lists, lists, we all make lists. Things to do. Things to do before we..... leave work for the day, end of month, go on vacation, retire, kick the bucket! Yep, "kick the bucket" as in die. How did such a frivolous term get connected with death? Hubby says "Look it up, do a Google search." So I did and in 16th century England bucket had meaning of "a beam or yoke used to hang items." The beam used to hang animals by their feet for slaughter was called a bucket and animals during slaughter would struggle or spasm after death and hence "kick the bucket." How gross, huh?

Anyway, this weekend hubby and I saw the new movie, "The Bucket List." Very entertaining and thought-provoking. The basic concept of the movie is a couple of guys make a list of things they want to do before they die. Their adventures are fun and how they cross things off their list take on new meaning too. I have a friend that a few years ago started her own "bucket" list, so I excitedly called her right after the movie and encouraged her to see the movie. She reminded me that several of the things on the list were meant to be shared with me, like hot-air balloon ride. Well, we have not done that yet, I chickened-out when the opportunity came up a couple of years ago.

What does a person do when they are afraid to do the things on their own list? Does that mean I get to live longer until the fear is replaced by eagerness and actually do the hot-air balloon ride? Can't answer that as I don't know when my time to "kick" will have arrived. Hubby started his list and has five things-to-do on it. He, too, has hot-air balloon ride on his, so maybe I can talk him into going with my friend! :)

I have not been able to think of anything to put on my list yet. I did have a list quite a few years ago and I remember writing down, "write a book" and "build a house I've designed." I have lost that list, but I remember those two things and I'm glad to say that I have lived in two houses that I designed and built. I don't know if I will ever write a book and after all this blogging, I can tell you that it will be a lot more work than I originally thought. It makes that hot-air balloon ride seem like a piece-of-cake! FYI - Piece of cake originated in the Royal Air Force in the 1930's for an easy mission. Possibly evokes the easy accomplishment of swallowing a slice of dessert.

What's on your list? Gotta run and get mine started.

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