Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Doing it again!

We saw some neighbors tonight and I was greeted by one of them, "Rayna, you haven't written in the new year!" Yes, I took a break. Took a break from blogging, took a break from walking, took a break from thinking. After a New Years trip up North, I came back home to "hibernate" and cuddle in my blanket while it was dark and cold outside. I caught up on some reading and just plain relaxed.

Since I changed my work hours to 7 am - 4 pm, I have been using the time that I previously would walk to be getting ready for work. The after-work walking just did not cut-it for me, I'm too lazy by the end of the day. So it became easier and easier to just skip the walking. The plus side is that my feet, legs and back did not hurt any longer. However, I was surprised to find myself waking earlier than needed (to get to work) and thinking about walking, I missed it! Lo & behold, what mind-boggling concept for me to go through.... missing a daily walk!

Sunday, I went for a leisurely walk and Monday got up at 5:15 am and did my mile and a half. Today, too! I figured that since I was walking, I might as well start blogging again. Let the thoughts pour on out on the computer! We'll see what happens.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to have you back Rayna. Don't feel guilty about the rest. I'm sure it was much needed. Sometimes we just need to stop, rest and evaluate or do nothing at all.Raylene