Thursday, March 2, 2017

Flip Flops!

I love flip flops!  And today I got a new pair!  I love the neutral color and the bling!!

I can't remember when I started wearing flip flops, but it was back in the day they were called thongs.  Due to my very large, wide feet, flip flops have served me well.  Allowing my feet to breathe, but keeping my sensitive bottom...of my feet...from being abused by dirt, gravel, hot concrete, prickly grass and weeds.  So it's no wonder that I have about about four pairs at home.  

A little over two years ago, I wrenched my knee and the diagnosis (after an MRI) is a long medical name.  Upon Googling the diagnosis, I found that it means "In older adults, an over-worked knee."  Ugh!  No mercy for me.  Since then, the knee has bothered me at times and it often happened when I was walking in flip flops.  Oh no!  Yes, I have to admit that walking in flip flops was not the best idea, but I have persevered.  Call me stubborn!  Other times, I would be standing (at the sink or counter) and decide to walk away and my flip flops would stay put and I would lose my balance and/or wrench my knee.  

This past fall, hubby and I took a class on "How to Prevent Falls" offered through our local county agency.  We learned exercises to strengthen our muscles and help with balance.  At one class, we discussed footwear and I found out that flip flops are one of the worst type of shoes to wear and can cause falls and injuries.  Case-in-point.  The best type of shoe needs ankle support.  Clogs, mules, sandals without ankle straps, and flip flops are notorious for being the "bad boys" of the shoe kingdom!

Since the class, I ordered some sandal with straps on the mid-foot and ankle.  Regretfully, they are just not as comfortable as my flip flops.  So, finding this pair of flip flops with ankle straps and trying them on, sent my feet into "orgasms."  Woo Hoo!  I got even more excited that I got $5.01 off the price of them.  

I do have one more pair of really neat flip flop sandals that I bought last summer and I love the look of them.  So, look below if these Minnetonka sandals are something you would like to wear (size 9-10), let me know where we can meet and you can have them.  I have to have something to give away for Lent today.  Yesterday, I gave away to garbage an old bra!  I didn't think you would want that.  

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