Sunday, March 5, 2017

Going back for seconds, even thirds!

"Going back for seconds, even thirds!" is a phrase you might hear around a buffet table of goodies.  Right?  Certain food dishes are so good, you want to taste them again, and maybe again. 

I think going back for seconds applies to some experiences in our life too.  For some, people it's a second or third marriage. But not necessarily because the first marriage was so good.  I am thinking of things we have done or places we have been.  When we lived in Texas, hubby and I made at least four annual trips up to Hill Country to see the wildflowers in the Spring.  We never tired of it and we saw the same flowers, yet the roadsides might be different. 

This first photo really reminds me of Texas, yet these flowers were along Highway 88 in 

This photo was taken on the same road, yet it's a plant in a rocky landscape.

Highway 88 goes from Apache Junction to Canyon Lake and Tortilla Flats and I know I have shared photos from that route before.  But it's a travel excursion that we have done three times since we have been here.  Yes, we keep going back for seconds, even thirds.  Today, we took Jim along this route and made several stops for, not necessarily him.  We ate at the Superstition Saloon in Tortilla Flats, the restaurant where the walls are covered in dollar bills.  It's a funky, quirky place.  

We are beginning to understand the magnet or draw that Arizona has on people.  The desert and mountains, depending on the sunlight and clouds can make a different scene within minutes.  Within days, a rainfall can create roadside wildflower exhibits that surprise and delight a person.  At least they delight me, as they remind me of the Texas travels.  A person is never certain what is around the corner of each hill or hairpin curve.

So, will the Arizona "magnet" draw us back again for seconds, even thirds.  Who knows? 

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