Sunday, July 8, 2007


"There is far more to your inner life than the food you put in your stomach, more to your outer appearance than the clothes you hang on your body. Look at the ravens, free and unfettered, not tied down to a job description, carefree in the the care of God. And you count far more." Luke 12:23-23 MSG

This is the quote for the day from my calender. It is a reminder to me that this "project" is so much more than the physical stuff... it's emotional and spiritual too. Emotionally, I'm kind of "down" today. I laid in bed this morning imagining what I was going to do with the lucky lottery winnings I was supposed to win last night, the lucky day 07-07-2007! The first thing I would do is quit my job! Don't get me wrong, it's not that I hate my job or anything like that, in fact I have a very good job. I'm just tired. Tired of managing people, tired of Medicare & all their rules. I really want to stay home with my husband; travel; take photos; see more of the world and visit with family and friends. "..... not tied down to a job description"

It does not help me that so many of our friends are my husband's age and retired. Plus, we live in an over 55 community of many retired people and I feel like the odd-one-out, going to work each day. Jealous, you betcha! Tired and jealous... what a combination for a depressing mood. How can I feel "... carefree in the care of God" again?


Robyn Austin said...

Here's something to cheer you up. Think of your baby sisters who have to work at least 25 years before retirement! It's all perspective. You may feel behind compared to your friends and neighbors, but you are so much closer to the finish line than a lot of us. The good thing is that you can start planning those things you want to do - whether you won the lottery last nite or not, you'll be doing those thing before you know it! (And there's a good chance you won ... I just checked the numbers and we didn't!)

Anonymous said...

Hi ya Sis! Thru Robyn's blog, I just got done reading all your blogs. Whew! You do have many great gifts and writing is one of them. Remember I told you how in April, first part of May I was walking 30 min., exercising & lifting wts. every day and how I then got so discouraged and busy, quit & now I feel worse than ever! Well, I may start again cuz of you. I sense that u r really feeling down at the moment, I wish I could be there to give u a big hug. I know society puts so much emphasis on success as having it all and having it all right now. You have done so much, seen so much and experienced so much beauty - just take a breath, remember all that you have inside of you and your treasures (home, hubby, hair, hereditary genes, etc.)too. I care about you and love you, miss you, admire you and will keep you as my inspiration!! Love, Romey

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work with your project and your writing!

It is interesting that the title above is "Carefree?". Among the many ways you are beautiful, you have consistently given and shown care free for your family. Thank you.

Have a blessed day.