Monday, July 2, 2007


This morning I had a dream that I was helping a woman give birth to her child. After she gave birth, I was looking at the baby and the mother got up and left. I asked, "Where did she go?" The other person in my dream said, "I don't know, she's gone." Then I awoke.

Dream analysts would say I was witnessing a new life, a birth of something, a change. It is symbolic of my life changes. My changes could be why I dreamed this dream or it could be the ad I saw for the hospital where I work that we deliver 3000 babies in a year or it could be the un-earthing of my secret spiritual doubts that I shared in this blog last night.

After I posted my blog, I felt rather unraveled. What will people think? This act of revealing my thoughts and feelings is unraveling. Yet I hope it unravels the ropes that I have tied myself with for all these years. Joan, a friend, shared with me that she is living by the acronym HOW - Honest, Open, Willing. I like that! How am I going to spend today? By being honest, open and willing, that's how!

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