Monday, July 16, 2007

Quotes and Prayer

Today, I would like to share some quotes that I have found in the past few days readings.

Oprah in her O magazine: ".... recognize that no one is responsible for your life but you. That you're creating your current and future reality thought by thought. And that what you give your attention to only gets bigger and manifests itself in the world. So try to live a life focusing on what's good and what you're grateful for, in order to have more goodness. This doesn't mean you're in control of everything, or that only good is going to come. Bad stuff still happens. Other people are working out their own energies, and sometimes those energies are destructive. ..... But the wonder of life is that even in despair, when things seem hopeless, you still get to choose who you want to be and how to respond...... Every day the path to your own spirituality starts with clarifying who you are and what you want. Not just things - things are easy. I mean the stuff that really matters. Life isn't just about what you can have; it's about what you have to give. What kind of person do you want to be? Start asking these questions and thinking about the bigger picture - why you're here, why the world needs what you have to offer."

Another quote, "A man asks a rabbi, 'Why does God write the law on our heart? Why not in our heart? It's the inside of the heart that needs God.' The rabbi answered, 'God never forces anything into a human heart. He writes the word on our hearts so that when our hearts break, God falls in.'"

A couple of weeks back I shared about my questioning why we should pray, if God does not answer everyone's prayers. The above quotes got me thinking about "bad stuff" & people's destructive actions and how we can choose how we will respond to this. Also, God does not force us to believe, but is there in our despair.

The other night I said a prayer for two of my sisters. One is a sister by blood and the other is a "sister" by bonding. They are each suffering pain and despair due to the man in her life. I readily admitted in my prayer that "I don't know if this is being heard or being paid attention, but please help ...... " I had felt so helpless for my sisters being so far away from them, that I couldn't give a hug or a shoulder to cry on. But when I finished my prayer, I did feel hope. Hope that there is a bigger being, bigger spirit, a bigger whatever-out-there that could comfort and help my sisters, even if I could not help them.

Oprah asks, "what kind of person do you want to be?" I am a adventurous, introspective child that's gotten older. How can a adventurous and introspective person give to the world?

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