Friday, July 6, 2007

Take a Break

Break .... a temporary stop in the action. Yesterday was take-a-break day! I awoke to thunderstorm overhead, so no walking for me. It was back to bed for awhile., which felt good as my shins were hurting. Yesterday afternoon I hit my first major obstacle in this journey, a craving. I wanted chocolate bad! I talked myself into vanilla diet Coke and that helped.

Last night, we had dinner at home so that I would not be tempted by the ballpark food. At the baseball park it was Thirsty Thursday so all the glasses of beer were $1.00. It didn't take long for the alcohol to take effect.... i.e. lose my inhibitions. My food plan "inhibiitons" went over-the-wall, so to speak in baseball terms. I wanted everything, especially pizza! After 4 beers, I was really ready for pizza & then popcorn was a close second choice. So I went to the line of people waiting for food. As I got about 10 people from the head of the line, the clerk shouted, "No more pizza!" Ugh! I waited too long, now what? Everything else on the menu sounded like food that I did not want to waste my calories on as I had my heart set on a slice of pizza. REALLY, I only wanted a slice!

Well, since my second choice was popcorn I headed out to find that concession stand. That stand had 30 people waiting in line. No go! Went to another food stand, drolled over the nachos, too much food. There too nothing seemed good enough to waste my calories, so I got another beer for hubby & I. That's five beers & the game is not even half over! Mind you, the top of the long first inning had the visiting team earning nine runs as the home-town pitcher really struggled and the outfielders looked like the Bad News Bears!

But enough is enough! We both quit the beers after that & waited for the game to be over for the fireworks (rained out from July 4th). We got home about 11:30 and I made myself a mini-bag of 100 calorie popcorn. Umm-good!

My calorie count was high yesterday & I did not exercise. I took a break. I did not go to bed last night feeling guilty and I realized I did make some good choices.... rather than just buying any kind of food when the pizza was gone.... I chose nothing... except beer. Maybe not the wisest choice, but I survived and today is a new day. The break is over and it's back to the action plan.

I had been going at a frenzied pace since I started this about 13 days ago. It was time to take a break. Now I am back to "work." I feel renewed and realizing that this is life-long commitment, I am ready for the next step of the project.

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