Saturday, July 28, 2007

Five for Five

In honor of my five weeks anniversary of this PES (Peace) Project, I did five laps today in my walk! That's two and half miles and I did it in just under 50 minutes. I'm elated! I'm also sweating. There have been a day or so lately that I felt ready and able to go that extra lap, but the time clock at work beckoned. Today being Saturday, I was ready and willing to give it a go. I did it! Let the child in me celebrate!

Let me take a moment to compose myself, after writing that last sentence, I started to cry. These are tears of gratitude that my body allowed me to go two and half miles at one time, that it did not conk out on me. I have abused my body by too much eating and drinking for years, and too little exercise. Complacency.

I didn't know I could do it!

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