I am best known for my ramblings...both physically in my travels and mentally in my writings! It can be a challenge to live with myself at times. Sometimes the challenges mean I have to change and sometimes my ramblings may change and challenge others. Let's get on the road again and see what happens in my rambling.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Christmas Prayer
Praise God from whom all blessing flow!
Praise God, all creatures here below!
You are the shepherds telling the story
We tell it in the streets and across the land.
You are the wise ones worshiping with thanksgiving,
We worship with gifts of song and service, talents and treasures.
You are the angels announcing peace.
We live with joy and go now in peace.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
It's a word that we don't use very often in our everyday language. We use the word joy or rejoice often in speaking and singing about Christmas and Easter. Christmas, a time to celebrate Jesus the Messiah's birth and Easter, a time to celebrate Jesus the Christ's resurrection. Joy is not just a word to describe birth or re-birth, it's a word to describe our lives everyday. If we choose to do so. How many of us can say that we live our lives joyfully? It doesn't have to mean giddy, smiley, thrilling or high all the time? But is that not what we often think of when we hear "joy" (i.e. joy ride)?
Joy means "a condition or feeling of high pleasure or delight; happiness; gladness; An expression of manifestation of such feeling." How many of us can say that we live our lives everyday with happiness and gladness? Oh, we all have periods or maybe just moments of joy throughout our day, week, month, or year. Joy is not just a gift of feeling delight, it's an action, an expression of such feeling. How many of our family, friends or co-workers would say about us, "He/She is a delight to be around."?
Living a life of joy does not mean that we will not face obstacles and challenges. However, can we take those obstacles and challenges and convert them into opportunities to share our joy? Sharing is an action, a giving of ourselves... our time, talents and treasures. Why not try to live your life "joyfully" this Christmas? Maybe even into next year? A Joyous Christmas to all!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Dear Santa
Dear Santa Claus,
I want some clothes for my doll. Here are the clothes that I want. A bride dress, some home dresses, pedal pushers, and a coat. And some pairs of high heels. She is 11 inches tall. She is 2 inches wide. I hope you will bring them for me. I will say thank you now because you will bring them for me. And this will be the only chance to say thank you. I love you Santa Claus.
Love Rayna, and her doll RoAnn
The letter was saved by one of the "North Pole" postal worker's wife. Yes, I named by doll after my baby sister, RoAnn, who was 2 years old at the time. It got me thinking of what I would have written to Santa at other times in my life....
1968, Age 17 years
Hi Santa,
I know that I have to say that I believe in you for the sake of my six sisters and brother. I'm the oldest and have to set a good example. Yes, Mom had another baby... actually twins were born in June. They sure are cute and they are starting to be fun! But, they are a lot of work, getting up in the middle of the night to feed them a bottle; going into town to do loads of laundry and dozens of diapers. I resent having to do that especially now when it's so dark and cold out at night, but it beats staying home and trying to do my homework in the noisy house. I know, I'm a complainer. Santa, just help me get through my Senior year in high school so that I can go to college next year. You can bring me a letter from the college saying they accept me. That would me nice. Help Mom and Dad find some money to get some nice presents for my sisters and brother, they need it. We're so poor and Dad drinks too much. Could you help Dad to stay sober on Christmas Eve? Anything you can do to help would be wonderful. I know that you don't really exist, but I just had to get my feelings out. Rayna
1979, Age 28
Dear Santa,
Well, I've been sober for about three weeks now. Taking after my father, just like my mother yelled about me for years now. But it's OK, I feel better admitting that I've been drinking too much and I can't control it any longer. Once I get started drinking, I don't stop. It's going to be a different Christmas this year, without drinking. But I don't really feel deprived as I'm excited about taking a trip next year. I'm going to wander off and see the country of the western United States for awhile. I have a job waitressing to make extra money. Santa, help me to make good tips and to have the determination to stay sober and really go on this trip. I need this!
1988, Age 37
Paul & I just need some things to make our first home together more cozy. For one thing, we need a window air conditioner in the bedroom. It gets so hot here in Georgia and that window air conditioner will help us sleep better. This place is an old house (about 70 years old) with virtually no insulation and a tin roof. It's quaint and we have painted and fixed it up the best we can. A new couch would be nice to replace the old, lumpy one we are using. Oh well, that's life and I'm so glad to have some decorations to brighten this place.
Rayna (and Paul)
1998, Age 47
Dear Santa,
This is our last Christmas in Georgia, we're moving to Wisconsin next year! I'm so excited to be moving "back home." We found land on lake up there and we're going to build a house or cabin. We're going to have friends over to our place on Christmas Eve as is our tradition, so as you are making your trip around the world, we'll be celebrating. Can't think of anything that we need this year.
2008, Age 57
I suppose you don't get too many letters from 57 years old ladies, but what the heck? I'm young at heart or at least I like to think I am. I guess I am younger than most of my neighbors, who would have thought I'd be living in an over 55 community? This year, I'm not going to ask for anything for Paul & I. I have a good job and Paul has a good retirement; we have a house full of furniture; we have a church to go; and we have friends to visit. I would just ask that you bring my parents, that are both still alive, good health and safety. They are still independent. Yes, we kids sometimes think (and say) "stubbornly independent." But all in all, I'm so thankful they're alive and well. Help them stay so, will you Santa?
Monday, November 10, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Walk a Mile in Their Shoe(s)
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Busy as Bees

Contrary to what I said yesterday, my staff must think I'm better than a piranha as they gave me a huge basket full of treats and really nice stuff like a bracelet, dove figurine and a beautiful mug. They must have been busy as bees getting their money together for that gift. I have a great group of people to work with and the majority give 110% to their jobs. Our jobs keeps all of very busy and I am thankful that I can say I'm happy on Bosses Day. Blessings to you too!
Speaking of blessings, my sister sent me an email to remind me that 53 years ago today, I was baptized in the Christian faith. I was four and my two sisters were 1+ years and the other was five months. We were baptized together, at the prompting of my paternal grandmother. At that time my father was a back-sliding Christian and my mother and her family never went to church except for funerals. So Grandma must have convinced our parents to have us baptized. I can still remember the picture-taking episode afterward.
Even though it was October, it was a warm day and the sun was beating down. The adults decided to prop the three of us on top of the car hood to take a picture. Back in those days, having a car was still pretty darn special. So any chance they got to have their car in the picture, so much more the better. Well, the afternoon sun had turned that dark green car into a heat magnet. They sat us on the car and it burned our legs. My sister that was a little over a year old started crying and the adults could not figure out why? They thought she was scared being up so high on the car, so they kept re-adjusting her. All I can vaguely remember is thinking, "Let's get this picture-taking stuff over with so we can get OFF this car!" I think the infamous picture shows me frowning and my sister crying. Happy Baptism Day! Fire and water, how appropriate.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Missing the Action
I whip my head around and there it is splashing up a storm. The bright morning sun makes the bird a mere shadow on the landscape. The bird is ferociously splashing that water and the water droplets make a glistening fountain. It's an awesome picture, isn't it? Something you'd see on a calendar.
Go get the camera!
I run to the office to get my camera and thoughts are going a hundred-miles-an-hour through my brain.
By the time I get back to the door, the bird will be gone!
Why don't I just stand at the door and watch it?
Here I am missing another wonderful scene!
I hope I have that picture in my mind because I probably won't get a real photo.
Well, that's all right. I mean all that I thought was right. The bird was gone and I stood at the door for five minutes with my camera posed until my arm and hands went numb. Therefore, no photo for you today. Can you see the picture in my mind? I hope so, it was quite the scene. :)
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Land of Enchantment
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
A black-out blocks out all vision or sight of what's before us and around us. A physical black-out blocks out all remembrance of what's happened to us. Alcoholics and other heavy drinkers may experience black-outs, where all memory of what has happened for minutes, hours or even days is gone. Their memories are as black and blank as this photo.
I had a "black-out" today. Thank goodness it was not related to drinking, however it was scary. I started to keep a journal of what I am eating, how I am feeling and what I am thinking as I eat. It gives me a tool to really see what I am eating, how much I am eating and why. Today, after a meeting there were brownies for employees to take. I "automatically" went and grabbed one. I use the word automatically because, I did not think about it, I just did it. As I walking back to my office with this brownie, I looked at it and thought, "I wasn't hungry, I don't need this. But I want this, as brownies with nuts are one of my favorite sweets." So I got to my office and quickly wrote my thoughts on paper at 11:00 am. At 11:22 am I took my first bite of the brownie. At 1:10 pm I took my second bite of the brownie. I went to work on a major project on the computer, then went to a couple of my staff offices. At about 1:45 pm, on the way back to my office, I thought, I'll have the rest of that brownie now.
When I got back to my desk, I couldn't find that brownie anywhere on my desk. You may laugh, but I did have to move several piles of papers to see if it got stuck under them. I finally looked in the waste basket and saw the empty plate and not a crumb of brownie to be seen. I sat down and truly felt shocked, maybe even scared. "When did I eat that last half of the brownie? How much am I on automatic-pilot that I'm not even aware of the food that I'm eating?" And I wonder how I have gained weight when I can't even remember eating? Yes, I ate that brownie basically in a black-out, no recollection of even thinking of having that last half of brownie.
Nah, my food is not unmanageable! Ha! What a rude awakening. Maybe this is what in 12 Step programs they call a wake-up call. 10-4, another message received from somewhere.... telling me I have a problem with food. Right now, I'm not going to beat myself up about it, I'm just thankful for awareness and tools to use. I don't want to share another black-out photo or story with you again.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
10-4-08 Ten-Four
Ten four oh eight! That's today! Today is the first day of the rest of my life. This morning, I remembered the phrase "Ten-four!" from the CB craze of the seventies. I wondered what does it really mean? So I looked it up on the Internet and it's the official police term for "message received." The slang meaning is "OK."
The above picture was taken on my recent birthday. I look happy with my chocolate cake, don't I? The smile belies my frustration with my weight gain. I have gained back almost all the weight I lost last year and I have not been exercising. I feel heavy physically and emotionally. Why do I keep doing this to myself? I swore last year that I would not be this heavy ever again. Here I am again.
Yesterday, my clothes felt very tight and last night I had difficulty walking very far without having to rest my sore back. I think the "message" has been received! OK, I need to change my habits. Yes, I need to take it one day at a time, one meal at a time, perhaps even one bite at a time. I seem to plan big and act small. Let me explain how I work. I am a planner, always have been. I think of dreams and schemes and many ways to make improvements at home, my job and in my life and sometimes even other people's lives. I am not a do-er. I leave the "doing" part up to others, it's probably why I'm a good manager! My perseverance and commitment is zero, zilch!
No, this blog is not going back to my daily dissertation on my struggles physically, emotionally or spiritually. Today's blog is more about resignation. I quit! I get it now! Ten-four! Message received! OK! Life can not go on as it has. I need to change.
Monday, September 29, 2008

Sunday, September 28, 2008
Fall Fotos!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Red or Green? Red or Blue?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Community, Come Unity

Community: A group of people living in same locality and under same government; A social group or class having common interests; Similarity or identity; Society as a whole, public; A group of plants and animals living in a specific region under relatively similar conditions; Common possession or participation.
Unity: The state of being one, singleness; The state, quality or condition of accord or agreement; A combination or union thus formed; An ordering of all elements in a work of art or literature so that each contributes to a unified aesthetic effect; Singleness or constancy of purpose or action, continuity.
To me, the similarities of the words are there. Come together and unify into a community! A community can bring unity to a group of people, a singleness, an order, a continuity of purpose or action. You may have heard the church being described as the "community of Christ." What a rally cry for Christians, "Come unity!" Come and join in the unity of Christians. Come and join in the unity of all people to a single purpose. What a more worthy purpose than peace on earth?
Speaking of earth, I chose today's photo because it shows a community, a group of plants living in similar conditions. In this case it was a nursery, green house as we call it up North. I just couldn't resist taking a picture of the colorful planters all in a row. If you look really close, you may think the picture looks "different." You're right, this photo was made into "coloring-book" format. You can see the black lines delineating the edges of the pots, table and flowers. In this case it's already been colored for you.
There are so many "communities" that we each belong to, isn't there? We have our physical living location that is a community. We have our employment community. We have our church or religious community. We have our social, fun-loving, "let's do this" community. We have our political party community,or maybe we're in a community of those "undecided." We have the community of our family, that may be spread out over several states, yet we have a unity that no one can take away from us. We belong to a certain lineage that is heralded whenever we get together. Getting together, coming together in unity creates a "community" whether it be for an hour, a day or years. Whenever you are in the community of others for single purpose or action.... isn't it great?
Even as each individual planter (in the picture) was dusty and flowers were not outstanding or abundant, together they created for me a memorable picture. And this picture reminds me as well of a memorable day plant-shopping with my sister. Come together with others in some way today! Enjoy!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Keep Out!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Look a Little Closer

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Silent Screen

Sunday, September 14, 2008
Football Fan-atics!
The top two pictures were taken during the game and the fans reactions. My mom is the one in the back with all the beads on her outfit. The third picture is of my dad getting his "sympathy" phone call from one of his Viking daughters. The rub-it-in phone calls are a standard fare between these two!
Are we ready for some football?
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Welcome to My Ol' World

Friday, September 12, 2008
Waves of Gratitude

As much as I like excitement, I am sure grateful that Ike decided to take a hike up North! South Padre Island would be hard-pressed to handle another hurricane right after Dolly less than two months ago. Our home, at 75 miles inland from the Island was spared any damage from Dolly and did not even suffer power outages although other parts of our town, less than two miles away, were without power for days! Grateful, yes!
Gratitude can wash over you with a sense of peace and well-being. Almost like waves washing the shoreline of our lives. Sometimes that gratitude becomes huge waves that hit the shoreline with a huge splash and the spray flies up in the air, kissing whatever it touches. Or perhaps drenching whatever it touches.
Yes, we will see a lot of videos over the next few days, showing the huge waves crashing on the seawall of Galveston Island. Let us pray for those that are there or those that are ready to clean up afterwards, may they be safe and sound. Let us pray with thankfulness and gratitude if we are not there and we don't have to be there. Experience the waves of gratitude washing over you today!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Got ya!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Moth & Butterfly
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
I am
A year ago I thought in many different ways. I acted in many different ways. I was in many ways, a different person. Today, I am...... me. There are all kinds of labels that you or I could put on me.... short, fat, wife, sister, manager, Texan, friendly, lazy, photographer, etc. However, I do not have to be constrained by those labels or feel that my worth is tied up in those labels. I have choices. I have options.
Today, I am ..... feeling very exposed, yet feeling very whole. Today, I am....trying to live and act in the present, instead of re-acting based on past experiences or future expectations. Today, I am.... at peace.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Lazy Lions
Have you ever seen a television documentary on lions? It seems that much of their time is spent sleeping, yawning, and stretching. Granted, the shows have to highlight the chases; the attacks on smaller and slower prey; romping, playing cubs; and the midnight feasts that lions have. But many of their hours are spent sleeping. No wonder I like lions.
How am I like a lion? I'm proud, boastful (or I wouldn't be writing this blog, right?), and definitely "queen of the jungle." I say "queen" because my name, Rayna, means queen or to reign. I "chase" by driving my car fast and sometimes recklessly. I "attack" one small or large project/problem at my job or another, I'm ferocious. I love to "feast," but unlike lions, not at midnight. I like to play around and have a good time as any cub likes to do, and I have "romped" around this country a few times. Last but not least, I like to sleep! Always have, always will.
I think part of my desire to sleep is because I often dream and remember my dreams. It's like watching TV all night, yet you don't know what you're watching until it happens as there are no channel choices in dreamland. As I have written in this blog before, I often dream about work. That is sometimes a "horror" show, other times it's an "eye-opener" of a psycho-drama. Then comes the fun part of trying to psycho-analyze these dreams in the morning. Ha-Ha! Some dreams, I just have to chalk-up to the pizza dinner I had the night before.
Anyway, my original thought as I set myself down to write today was to "talk" about how lazy I've been lately. That's blogging (or writing) for you.... one thought begets another begets another.... soon you have more generations (paragraphs) then you can imagine. Then there are the trains of thoughts with one car after another and when the caboose finally arrives, you're so thankful. Maybe that's my writing, people are thankful when I finally get to the end.....
. Peace be with you and have lazy day, you deserve it!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
How Green is My Valley
It's interesting to see the changes the river makes in it's make-up as well as what it has done to the land around it. There is a deep gorge that the river runs through at the beginning of it's way down through the state of New Mexico. Just like we humans, that change our nature as we progress through our lives.
I enjoyed driving along a good portion of this river and I could often spot its placement in the desert wilderness by the green trees surrounding the river. Many times, I could not see the river but I knew it was there by the evidence... the trees. Just like we humans, when we display the evidence of our actions even though others may not see our actions.
We also saw the Rio Grande as it surrounded a national park in Texas, Big Bend. Then we drove along a large portion of the river as we made our way back home. Back home to the Rio Grande River Valley. The road trip to New Mexico and western Texas was quite an experience. Yes, I found out that you can truthfully, legally, go 80 miles an hour in western Texas. It was not a myth as I thought. I found out that there are places in Texas that you can travel 55 miles and meet only seven vehicles during that drive (in the middle of the day). And two of those vehicles were the UPS and Fed-Ex trucks... hubby said they should combine their services out there!
I found out there is a LOT of open land with out any houses or people for miles in this country. I found out that there are a LOT of different kinds of cactus in the desert. I found out there are a LOT of miles of country with the roadside fence posts being the taller than most of the living vegetation. And the fence posts look even taller due to turkey vultures setting on them waiting for road kill. After about a week in what I would call brown terrain.... desert, mountains, grasses & roads... it was awesome to me to see trees and greenery again!
I was born and raised in Wisconsin where you can rarely go a mile without seeing a lake, pond or creek, and of course all kinds of trees and evergreens. So, it's quite different for me to experience the opposite. As much as I enjoyed seeing and experiencing new things.... a scorpion in the bathtub that I didn't want to touch, stars in the night sky so bright you felt like you could touch them, seeing so many different kinds of cactus which you should not touch, tall mountains I wish I could touch the tops.... it was wonderful to come back to the green valley where I live.
The different shades of green in the valley's fields of crops, grasses in the yards, palm tree fronds, and flowering bushes are a treat for sore eyes. It's good to be home!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Update on Peace
Physically, I'm not at the weight or height that I planned. Emotionally, I still get stressed out about work, but that's gotten a whole lot better. Especially when I remind myself that my co-workers "will know I'm a Christian by my love." Spiritually, I've made leaps and bounds rather than crawling on my hands and knees through the rough road of life.
Writing this blog has been a demon and a god-send! It has exposed things about myself that I didn't want to share, but needed to share! It has allowed me to get my thoughts and feelings "on paper" rather than rolling around in my head for hours or days, it's served as a release. I know that I'm not the most prolific writer nor very good, but I feel glad that once in a while something that I have written has touched someones heart or soul. Maybe the reader is encouraging me on
my peace journey or they can identify with what I've written, there's a camaraderie between us.
It sure has been an interesting project. It sure has been an interesting journey. But then again, I sure have led an interesting life!! Just today, I was sharing how I met hubby with my co-workers. Some people have spent their whole lives within 10 miles of their birthplace and sure must be interesting. I know that's not for me, adventure and new sights gets me a-going! Anyway, there were a few mouths dropping when I talked about living in California & hubby in Louisiana and then we lived in Georgia, etc, etc. I can not imagine life without thinking of or planning the next adventure!
Tomorrow, starts the next adventure. No, we're not moving already!! We're going on a road trip to New Mexico. I've heard that in west Texas, a person can "legally" drive 80 miles an hour. Can't wait! :) See you when we get back in June! Yes, we plan to have fun!! Peace.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
It got me thinking more about heroes as I today I read a news magazine's stories of the "100 Most Influential People in the World." Most of these people, I would think would qualify as a hero based on another description of the word hero that is "A person prominent in some event, field, period or cause by reason of his/her special achievement or contributions." Most of us will never meet any of these heroes, however we may benefit greatly from their achievements and contributions. There are so many unsung heroes in each of our lives, that may never grace the cover of our local newspaper, much less the cover of a national news magazine. Yet their achievements and contributions to our lives are enormous.
My number one hero is my mother. How could I say anything less? If it weren't for her, I wouldn't be here! :) Just kidding. My mother doesn't read this blog as she doesn't have a touch-tone phone (still has the dial-up version), much less a computer. It's too bad that she is missing out of reading my sister and brother's blog sites and their creative writing. She would be proud of them, because my mom is a writer.
When I was a child she would stories, poems, and letters. Today, she still writes letters and she is proud (rightly so) of her beautiful handwriting, that wonderful old cursive style that has fallen by the wayside. While they were visiting us for four weeks this winter, I think my Mom wrote 30+/- letters to friends and relatives up North. These were not just 3-5 sentences letters either, she would describe what the weather was like (hot compared to Northern Wisconsin) and what they had done and seen. She shared their joy of being on "vacation" with their family and friends who were not able to be on "vacation." My mother truly understands the joy of writing... sharing. Sharing what you've done, seen, felt, heard, tasted, and thought. Experiences!
You can count on my mom to inform people of events and activities. It is not uncommon to get a postcard or letter from her describing an up-coming family reunion or cousin's birthday party or graduation. My mother is a strong believer in keeping families intact. Getting together for a fun time is a main priority for her (and Dad too). They have hosted many a Halloween parties, sliding parties (when you slide down a snow-covered hill on a sled, toboggan or inner tube), and big-time graduation parties for each of us. Enthusiasm!
If you have read my blog, you will know that I was on a spiritual retreat about 4 weeks ago. One of the final aspects of the weekend was being handed a package of letters & cards from family, friends and co-workers. It was an awesome experience and so uplifting. Uplifting because other people took the time to write their thoughts and feelings. I opened one card from a high school good friend with whom I had seldom spoken in 39 years, much less seen. She wrote, "I bet you never thought you would hear from me. Your mom was in the drug store & was telling me about what you were doing, so I thought I'd write you a note." You could have blown me over with feather! That's my mom for you, not afraid to speak up and gather support for others. She not only told my former classmate, but she wrote or spoke to siblings, cousins and old neighbors and told them of my journey. All of these letters were precious!
However, the most priceless letter was from my mom. It was not a long letter as she sometimes writes, but short. I can imagine her sitting at the dining room table, laboring over the choice of words to use. Maybe, she wrote quickly, yet from experience, I doubt it. Here is her opening....
Dear Rayna,
I loved you before your were born
I loved you while I gave birth to you
I have loved you for the past 56 2/3 yrs.
So there's no doubt about it!
You are loved!
It was certainly enough to make a grown woman cry, again! I felt like God was speaking through her to me. It was a comforting feeling, and a feeling that I'm thankful for.
Today, my mom, at age 76, is walking in a Relay for Life. As of Thursday night, she had raised $400 to contribute to that worthy cause of fighting cancer(my mom lost her father and sister to cancer). Again, my mom has enthusiasm in garnering support for causes. She told me that she was in the drugstore (different one than where my classmate works) and she "just happened to tell the druggist" that she was walking for cancer. He handed her $40 for her contribution, she was "overwhelmed." No, it's my mother that is overwhelmingly good! She's my #1 Hero!
I hope she has a wonderful Mother's Day, she is priceless!
Friday, May 9, 2008
Death of a Hero
Upon arriving in our department, I was greeted by one of my staff asking me if I heard about the death? Yes, I answered and then she told me that Alex's younger sister was her daughter's best friend. Walking home from school on Tuesday afternoon, his sister saw the military vehicle parked in front of their home and she fell to her knees in grief. She knew.
This staff then went on to tell me that Alex's aunt (by marriage) was another staff in our department. Apparently the aunt was so overcome with grief that she was barely able to speak to call in as she was in no condition to work that night. Oh my God, I thought. Why? Why?
I have personally asked the Why? question a number of times in the past couple of years. But my Why? question was not about why did someone I know die. It was a different version. Why did God allow my nephew (my sister's son), Matt's Marine unit members to be injured or die and spared him? Don't get me wrong, I was overwhelmingly grateful that Matt was spared. It was a question that nagged me and led to another deeper question. I don't think that we, Matt's family, prayed any more than the families of his unit members. So why was Matt spared and his buddies were not? Those questions really led me to doubt the value of prayer. If prayer did not save his buddies, why pray? I then allowed my doubts to fester into a doubting of God, which led to a major spiritual drought.
This drought lasted until my weekend spiritual renewal retreat when I knew that I could not take another step until I talked to someone about this doubting. I found myself suddenly talking to two clergy at the retreat. They both simultaneously said that it's not a matter of God not answering prayers. It's a matter of it's an evil world out there and God does not always save us from the hurt and evil of the world. He allows free will and with that opportunity that he gives us to make choices, we are sometimes subject to the evil choices other people may make. I cried tears of relief as it suddenly made so much sense.
I was reminded of this today as I spoke with Alex's aunt as she was leaving work after a night on the job. She said that Alex's mom is vacillating between crying, "Why? Why?" and saying, "He's in a better place." I don't think there is any way to understand the grief she must feel and questions she wants answers to. However, there is a part of this mother's deep spirituality that allows her to know and be comforted by the fact that her son is in a better place, with God.
Later today, God put another person connected with Alex into my life. She was a lady who I was interviewing for one of our open positions. I'm not even sure how our initial conversation got started in the interview, but she said she had a rough week as her daughter's boyfriend was killed in Iraq this week. I asked her if she meant Alex Gonzalez and she said, Yes. I asked her if she wanted to re-schedule as I'm sure her mind was not thinking about a job interview right now. I know that my mind was kind of going "freaky" as I could not believe another connection to this young man was coming into my small circle of co-workers and friends. However, she wanted to continue with the interview.
Maybe I write about all of this to help myself realize that we just don't know when our lives are going to be affected by death, near or far. Maybe I write this to affirm the love of God is there for us, a strong arm to lean on in times of questioning and grief. I don't want to ever get to the spot in the road of life that I allow myself to push God away in questioning and grief. That I don't allow myself to under-estimate how many lives are touched by one person. That I don't allow myself to forget that there is a "better place," even in death. Peace
Saturday, May 3, 2008
As irritating as "ear worms" are, this song has been a constant reminder of my renewal. I am reminded that everywhere and every time, I have the opportunity to show God's love through my actions and words. It's an awesome responsibility. It's an awesome reward.
I can not begin to describe how much better I feel emotionally since I allowed and made the choice to release my anger and control of my world and let God walk with me on my life's journey. I had a very-hardened heart, a heart of stone. There was no way that love could "beat" in a heart of stone. A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about the boulders/rocks in my life that I need to sacrifice. Some of them are still there, but I'm much more willing to leave them on my journey's path and move forward... in love.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Three of the four evaluations I planned to do today were with very strong-influential and strong-willed employees. Mirror images of me, huh? This morning I did something differently, I prayed for each one of them. I prayed for me too that I would be able to explain how I evaluated them and how much I value them. The interaction was great! One of the staff that really gave me a difficult time last year over her evaluation and has provided some stressful moments during this year, simply said, "I agree with your evaluation. Thank you."
I am thankful for answers to prayer, that I could give them worthwhile feedback as well as ideas for improvement. The experience that I expected to dread turned out to be a worthwhile interaction. Miracles never cease!