Piranha. What a beautiful fish with an ugly personality! A flesh-eating freshwater fish! What made me choose this picture tonight? I told myself I'd pick the first picture that interested me and then I'd write. Hmmmm? Is my "personality" ugly or am I a "flesh-eating" person? Some people may say I'm "flesh-eating" since in my less than two years at this job, I have involuntarily terminated (politically correct words for "fired") two staff and forced two others to resign or get fired! It is certainly not the most pleasant part of my job, in fact it's tough. I am one of these people that always fears the worse.... getting fired. I came close at one job, but got a written warning instead. No matter how well people may say I'm doing at my job, I still have my doubts. I have my fears. My husband says I lack self-confidence, yet I don't always show it. I wish I had the thick skin of the piranha. Although some of the bulges on the piranha look like my face... on a good day. :) Oh well, self-degradation is a family fault that I also inherited.
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