Saturday, April 26, 2008


Today I went into work for a few hours to give several staff their annual evaluations. I was hesitant and therefore procrastinated this task until the end of the month as last year's evaluations went rather poorly. Staff were resentful because they did not get their expected raises in salary. Our company policy is to do all evaluations at one time and then annual raises occur on your anniversary data. The process is a pain when you have almost 20 staff, but it is easier to compare them to each other and what is expected of them.

Three of the four evaluations I planned to do today were with very strong-influential and strong-willed employees. Mirror images of me, huh? This morning I did something differently, I prayed for each one of them. I prayed for me too that I would be able to explain how I evaluated them and how much I value them. The interaction was great! One of the staff that really gave me a difficult time last year over her evaluation and has provided some stressful moments during this year, simply said, "I agree with your evaluation. Thank you."

I am thankful for answers to prayer, that I could give them worthwhile feedback as well as ideas for improvement. The experience that I expected to dread turned out to be a worthwhile interaction. Miracles never cease!

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