"Silent screen" is the term for the old movies without any sound or voices. Music was played on an organ or piano to accompany the action of the movie. This door and screen were photographed in a ghost town in Montana. The "town" was the perfect setting for good ol' western movie. But no modern movie could every re-play all the action that actually occurred in this town.
I wonder how many times this door was opened and closed until now it stands silent? They say, "If walls could only talk." What about doors? Doors have been touched by human hands much more than walls. The door has been closed quietly when the man of house comes home from the bar up the street with a few beers under his belt and a few less dollars in his pocket because he has a poor poker face. The door has been slammed shut when the woman of the house kicks her son out the door for being a no-good-lazy-son-of-gun! The door has held up the mother as she leans against it and sobs tears of sorrow for being put in position that she had to show tough love to her loved one. The door has caressed by the young daughter as her first kiss lingers on her lips from the young cowboy that just walked her home after Wednesday night church.
Did the door scream, shout or sigh when the last occupant walked or was carried out of the house and shut the door for it's final time? Was the screen door broken before they left? What was the story? What can the front door of your house say about you?
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