Monday, September 8, 2008

Moth & Butterfly

Flowers and a butterfly. At least I think it's a butterfly. There are some beautiful moths out there and it can get confusing. According to my friend Webster (as in dictionary) a butterfly has a slender body with four wings. A moth has a stout body. I think the top picture has a butterfly and a moth.
Even though there is not a great amount of difference between a moth and a butterfly, they both fly and have wings and antennae. Think about the differences in our attitude towards one or the other. Historically, are we not prone to dislike moths? They eat our clothes, therefore the need for mothballs. They flutter around just like butterflies, yet they do so at night. Therefore we can't see them as well and they startle us when their wings brush against our hair. Moths are usually not as beautiful, therefore we don't often seek them out to observe or take photos of them.
We treat people the same way, don't we? People with stout bodies and are not as attractive are often overlooked, bypassed, ignored or shunned. People with slender bodies and glamorous colors or clothes are the center of attention. Many times an unattractive person will have a colorful personality. Perhaps as a way to draw attention to themselves. Many times an attractive person will have little personality. Yet they still draw attention to themselves. How do we judge people? How do we want others to judge us? Are you a moth or a butterfly? You're just as important and valuable whichever you are! Be colorful!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks Rayna for your great insight on things. I know I am very happy that you are back blogging again. I've missed it. Your new style is just great too. Love your photos as always. Be proud of whom you are and what you've done. You have some great talents and don't forget that. Love ya. Lenesker