Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Stinkin' Thinkin'

Stinkin' Thinkin' is a term that 12 step programs use to describe the type of thinking that leads to actions like overeating or drinking again.

I have been guilty of stinkin' thinkin' in the past week or so. Last week on Wednesday, I got on the scale and rejoiced that I had lost a couple more pounds. My first thought was, "Let's celebrate!" Then I wondered what food I would eat with which to celebrate. I got to thinking that with all the walking I'm doing, I can eat anything or everything I want. I have been very sloppy in my eating habits this past week. And I don't mean sloppy as in messy, but sloppy in my choices and portions.

Yes, my clothes are getting loose and that is reason to celebrate, but not with food. I have become very aware that I am a celebratory or a stress-reducer eater. Feeling high or low, give me food! This thinking that I "need" food to celebrate or compensate is not appropriate, it's stinking. It's a tough one to accept and/or battle, as it's been this way for me since I was a child or at least a teenager.

Both the scale today and a picture taken of me last Friday tell me that I have a long ways to go. But it starts one day at a time. It starts with the choices that I make on what and how much food and drink I will partake. It starts with accepting myself and acknowledging my thoughts. It starts with not allowing all my thoughts to lead to the action of choosing too much or the wrong kinds of food or drink. It starts with changing my thoughts if possible. I have to believe and remember that anything is possible.

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