Monday, August 6, 2007


After yesterday's blog and the personification of the aspects of my PES Project, I realized that I am an emotional eater. Emotional has become quite the enabler for me! Physically, I have not really craved food much, I have not been hungry much and I even enjoy the walking. However, that emotional side of me is whining, complaining, throwing-a-tantrum and wants to let me eat what I want, when I want and how much I want! If you could imagine.... Emotional is force-feeding Physical, shoving food in her face. Emotions are very strong.

Star Jones (formerly of The View TV show) says in Glamour magazine, "..... transparency is not humiliating - it is humbling..... In fact, true freedom and healing started to come when I began to talk about my (gastric bypass) surgery with strangers..... I'm not saying that in order to be happy, women need to be a certain size, but I am saying that we should all strive to be healthy.... When I feel myself reverting to that place of insecurity.... (I) remember what I know to be true: God did not bring me this far to leave me."

Lots of people like Star Jones and myself deal with our emotions, questioning how much do we show others? Yet our over-eating shows to everyone. Again Star makes a good point, "Funny - or sad - how we "thick" girls can justify being excessively overweight."

Mirrors don't tell the whole story, pictures do! I can look in the mirror every day and justify my rolls and bulges. But show me a picture of myself and it's "Oh my God! I'm that big?" Then my emotions take over and suggest food to comfort me, de-stress me, celebrate me. Funny, how ME is so prevalent in emotions and that first two letters of the word emotion is E and M or M and E. Yes, emotions are very strong and I'm going to need to take a strong stance to not give in to every emotional cry, whimper or shout. I'm going to need to do some tough-love self talk to my emotions. Emotional is a tough ol' girl, wish me luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This was fitting for me to read this tonight, because I've had one of those days. Emotions took over today and ate way more than I care to admit, and the wrong kind of stuff too. We are so much alike when it comes to food and why we eat it, for me there usually isn't a reason, I just do. I'm going to have to work on managing my emotions and food correspondence and take that walk instead. Thanks! Love ya, Rachel