Wednesday, August 1, 2007



Now and then we will see a package with this label. We know to pick it up carefully, not shaking it up. We are careful to open it so that we don't break or cut into the contents of the package. We are concerned about the contents, regardless if we know what's inside the package or not.

Now and then we will see the phrase, "life is fragile, handle with care." Is life easily broken? Is our connection to another person's life easily broken (fragile)? Yes, it can be... easily broken that is. We never know from one minute to another when a connection could be broken. Sometimes we have to just shake our heads at the enormity of the concept of losing someone in a split second.

Tonight, you may be watching the news channels and viewing the devastation of the bridge collapse in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I have traveled that bridge many times and hubby was on it twice each day when he commuted to his job in downtown Minneapolis for a year. It's been months since either of us was on that bridge, so I can rightly feel "safe." But Tim, my nephew, was on that bridge this morning and every morning that he travels to work. What if the bridge would have collapsed this morning instead of tonight? What if he would have left work late and decided to take that bridge to get home? What if I'm not aware yet if there were cousins or friends on that bridge? The "what ifs" of life make it seem so fragile, so easily broken.

To handle something with care, you must touch it. Touch those you love, physically with a hug and kiss. Touch those you love by calling them and doing what the old telephone commercial used to say, "reach out and touch." Don't be tossing that fragile package.... don't be tossing the concept of how important life is really. Life is fragile, handle with care! God bless all those victims, their families, and the rescue personnel.

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