Tuesday, February 21, 2017


One of my sub-titles for this blog is Rambling Rayna.  Yes, I ramble in my thoughts, actions and writings.  As you can see by my recent posts, hubby and I are quite spontaneous in our explorations.  We decide at the last minute to do this or that for the day.  Another way I am spontaneous is in making meals.  I won't say "planning" meals as that doesn't usually happen!  

It's usually, "What do you want for dinner tonight?"  

Hubby replies, "What are my choices?"

I saw on Facebook recently an idea for planning your meals.  Put the ingredients into a plastic bin for each day of the week.  I thought it was a good idea for knowing what you are going to make and also what you need to buy.   Then I thought of the fact that I need to plan meals in order to put the ingredients into the bins.  So I started making a list of the meats, starches, veggies, and fruits that hubby and I like.  Then we discussed how often in a four weeks period we would want these items.  Hubby likes pork, especially ham, so that would be on the menu more often.  We both like chicken, so that's a frequent contender.  I made a list of each food item and how often we would like it.  At this point, hubby says, "Aren't you getting a little anal in this planning?"  

Well, wait until he sees my spreadsheet I worked on all afternoon while he was out golfing.  Four weeks of planning meals is almost done!  It is not easy, as we don't want pork three days in a row.  But other times when I plan to be making a crock pot of pot roast, I had to plan on pot roast  sandwiches a day or two later.  Granted I can put some left overs in the freezer, but our freezer is quite small.  So, I should plan on using left overs within a couple of days.  

Once we get back home, I will try out this new organizing system of planning meals.  I hope I don't become too anal about this and become a pain-in-the-butt!  Or my next organizing task will be to re-arrange our toilet paper in the cupboards!

1 comment:

Paul said...

Hope I can still have bagels & doughnuts