Monday, February 27, 2017

Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras is French for "Fat Tuesday", reflecting the practice of the last night of eating richer, fatty foods before the ritual fasting of the Lenten season.

Mardi Gras is officially tomorrow, however, in this RV resort, they were going to celebrate today with a parade.   Not sure why a day earlier, but we were ready to watch the parade and say a few "cheers."  The primary colors of Mardi Gras are the jewel tone colors, purple (amethyst), emerald (green), and ruby (red).  Add to that the mineral, gold, and you have a festive looking float or attire. 

Here's hubby ready for the parade.  Unfortunately, we found out after waiting for a while that the parade was postponed until later.  Cloudy with a chance of rain didn't phase us, but the float makers were probably concerned about their streamers getting wet and soggy.

Lenten season starts on Ash Wednesday and although it's the Catholics that traditionally follow the ritual of fasting, many other denominations have taken up the practice.  People give up soda, sweets, swearing and as long as we're on the "S" words, some people may give up sex!  I don't know of any people that would....but just saying.  

Recently, I have seen some articles on  starting a new Lenten ritual of Giving instead of Giving Up.  That's interesting.  Either way, I'm not sure what I should give or give up.  But, if nothing else, it gives me a chance to reflect on my life and more importantly my spiritual life.  Yesterday, I came across the song....   "Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me"  The song has been a long time favorite of mine.  PEACE has been a special word for me and I have that word displayed several places in my home.  Peace is something I have sought in my life and finally at age 65, I feel a good amount of peace.  

For those new to reading my blog, I am sure you may have wondered how I came up with thepesproject as its domain name.  Attaining peace in my life has been a lifelong project, with its ups and downs.  A project that will have no end until I pass away.  If you look up the word peace in the dictionary, it's pronounced pes with a long "e."  To me PES signifies Physical, Emotional and Spiritual health.  I try to make my actions promote peace or health in these areas of my life.  Sometimes, I succeed, sometimes I struggle (i.e. ups and downs of the project).

So, how will I promote peace during the Lenten season?  Will I give up something or give more of something?  I don't have the answer yet, but I do have one more day before Ash Wednesday.  It's a good thing the resort was going to celebrate early so it reminds me that I have time to decide.  Have a great Fat Tuesday tomorrow!

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