Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Castles & Clouds

Today we did the grand tour around Lake Winnipesaukee.  We had cloudy weather most of day with intermittent sunshine and rain.  We didn't mind as it only rained  when we were in car traveling.

First stop was Gilford beach, accessible only to the residents of Gilford.  Pretty nice perk, huh?

Saw some little ducklings coming back from a practice swim.

This lake has over 100 islands and many are inhabited.  The mail boat goes to many islands to pick up and deliver mail.  This boat is also the ice cream "truck" and so children will go down to dock to get mail and get their daily treat from the ice cream boat!  Who wouldn't want to spend their summers here?

This is Squam Lake where the movie "On Golden Pond" was filmed.  I hope this "golden" boy caught some fish today!

Our primary destination today was the Castle in the Clouds.  It was a beautiful one-way drive up the mountain where we came upon this huge boulder.  

Nearby was a stream and falls. This area was once considered the Yosemite of the East.  

The "Castle" was a craftsman style home built in 1914 for a wealthy shoe manufacturer high in the hills above Lake Winnipesaukee.  At one time he owned 6300 acres of land going down to the lake shore (2 miles frontage on lake).  Here's a view of the lake from the patio restaurant in the carriage house.   

Here's the front of the Lucknow Castle. 

Here's the back of  the house and I couldn't even get it all on one photo.

View looking out from the main parlor, through the french doors!

Opposite the above view the owner had a secret room (door was about 3 feet tall) in which he could escape when he wanted to get away from people.  

On  the other hand, he installed lots of "modern" conveniences.  A shower with shower heads all around the body.

There was electricity, very uncommon for this part of state; and telephone/intercom services.

A view from upstairs balcony

Even the view from the windows were great!  Here's a view from the servant's quarters, not bad, eh?

On  the property was a trout pond and there was a frenzy of activity when fish food was thrown at them.

Many homes in the Northeast are attached to the barns.  An example that was not obscured by trees.

Our host, John, graciously provide an umbrella so that I could take a photo of this church called Mirror Lake Community Church.  (My mom lives on Little Mirror Lake in Wisconsin).

Most towns have a bandshell in which they have summer concerts. 

Close to the end of our round-the-lake trip, we came upon this protected bay that provided this mirror image.  Wonderful day!  

1 comment:

Renell said...

That last picture would be perfect for a zigsaw puzzle.