Thursday, May 15, 2014


If you have read my blog long enough, you know that I have a fascination with words.  I often look up words I use and use descriptions in my blog to inform or make a point or sometimes even to ramble on about what it means to me!  In fact my fascination to words has me hoping to make a stop on our trip at Noah Webster's home (the father of our dictionary).

Today's word is portal - an entrance or opening.  Last week I went to my primary care physician (PCP) for a physical, i.e. pelvic exam, pap smear, boob check, etc.  So yesterday, I had appointments for an Ultra Sound (doc thought she felt a mass); mammogram and bone density scan.  Yes, I had all this done while fasting for today's colonoscopy.

After I checked in with the wonderful ladies (my former staff) at Registration, they handed me a folder and a card with my personal ID for accessing the hospital's Patient Portal.  With that information, tonight I was able to access the reports from the test done yesterday.  What a feeling of power to actually read what the results were rather than waiting to hear a doctor describing them.  CAUTION!   All results should be discussed with your doctor, they know what's best!

I know the whole Patient Portal is part of the government requiring that hospitals and I think  physicians in  the future, share the information that the patients has a right to receive and view.  It's a big step and a lot of work goes into this process - getting the access for it's patients and keeping it secure.

Another portal that is so valuable is any type of Internet look-up, I personally use Google.  I typed in a term that was on my medical report and found out now that the "mass" are harmless cysts.  That's Doctor Rayna talk, but I received a call from my PCP scheduling an appointment for tomorrow to discuss all this.

Today, after my colonoscopy, I got some photos and preliminary results that show  I have some polyps that were removed.  In a week, I should be able to view the biopsy results on the hospital's website.  It's great to be informed!

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