Are you stuck? We often talk about being stuck.....in life, marriage, job, habits, etc. "I can't change.... jobs, spouses, locations, eating habits, exercise habits." We lament to ourselves and others, don't we? We feel like there is no way out of our situation, we're stuck.
Tonight we saw the movie, "The Shack." One of the lines in the movie was, "You're not stuck because you can't. You're stuck because you won't." Whoa! It hit home with me, how about you? CAN'T indicates external sources are keeping us stuck, while WON"T indicates internal (self) motivation is keeping us stuck. All of sudden, it changes everything. First of all, it changes our attitude and motivation. When we choose to say we're stuck because we won't change, we can't blame others any longer. The responsibility is ours and ours alone.
Taking responsibility for our thoughts, actions, and changes is not always easy. Our habits and our society makes it easier to blames others by saying, "I can't." Look closely at the image I copied above with the word stUck. "U" is right in the middle of the word. "You" are right in the middle of being stuck.
So, one of my common lamentations of "I can't lose weight," needs to be changed to "I won't lose weight." In other words, right now I choose to NOT change eating and exercise habits so that I CAN lose weight. Suddenly, it shifts my ways of thinking and maybe, in the future, I will choose to make changes to my habits so that I can lose weight. Right now, I will focus more on the sticky concept of Can't versus Won't. I can do that!
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