Sunday, April 30, 2017


It's Spring!  Time for new growth and refreshing grass, tulips blooming, trees budding.  Oh, of course, Mother Nature has to throw a few snowflakes in the view too!  Nothing to stick to the ground here, so it's just fine.  

It was a year ago yesterday that we moved into our apartment here in Hudson.  Moving to an apartment that is about 2/3 the size of our house has been an adjustment.   We moved some things up here that we have discovered that we aren't using and maybe never will.  Then I am certain there are other things we have not even looked at since we moved.   

The apartment complex is gong to be cleaning and sealing the underground garage next week and we need to get things off the floor in front of our car.  We do have a storage area that is about 5 feet by 7 feet just around the corner from our car to put things into, but it's full.  So our goal is to pull everything out of the storage and see what's in there.  Then we have to decide if we're going to keep or give away.  

Yesterday, we took a cursory view of the storage unit....ugh!  It looks like we just threw things in there without any rhythm or reason.  Guess what?  That's what happened.  I found a large tote bag on the top of the pile and I pulled it out and found it full of other totes.  So not only do we have plastic totes full of stuff, we have cloth totes full of nothing.  

I already had about five tote bags in the apartment and now I have eleven tote bags on my bed, waiting for me to decide which to keep and which to give away.  This tote obsession goes along with my purse collection.  Some people have a closet full of shoes, I have purses and tote bags.

Since the weather is not warm enough to be outside or travel much, I have not had much opportunity to use my purses or tote bags, so the task should be easy, right?  Time will tell.

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