Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Sense of Accomplishment

I am feeling an internal sense of accomplishment tonight!  Ever since we arrived home last week, I have been opening the wrong drawers and cupboards to get things.  For some reason, my brain thinks that items should be where they are not... at least not until today.  I cleaned and rearranged drawers.  Things are now where my brain thought they should be.  For some odd reason, everything seems more logical.  

Tomorrow, I will have another internal sense of accomplishment when I tackle the cupboards. The reason I am calling my sense of accomplishments internal, is because no one but me will even know I did spring cleaning.  All my work is behind closed doors and drawers.

Oh well!  Doing spring cleaning where others can see it out in the open is fine and good.  But doing spring cleaning where only I can see it really gives me a sense of accomplishment, because I could have just as easily left it the way it was as no one would ever know.  But guess what, now you all know what a good housekeeper I am.  Next time you visit, take a look in my drawers!  😉

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