Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Thanksgiving is tomorrow & many of us are already thinking of all that we will have to eat! :)

Yes, we may be thinking and drooling, however do we really think about how THANKFUL we need to be that we have food to eat and share with others? Do we really think about how thankful we need to be that we have a computer to write, send and receive instant messages? Do we really think about how thankful we need to be that we have a phone to be talking to family and friends and hear their voices over the blocks, miles, states, and continents? Do we really think about the joy and privilege to have family and friends, not only alive but in our lives?

I am thankful for many things..... allow me to share and if you don't care, just exit out of here.

I am thankful for my health, I am still obese but so much healthier than five months ago. I am thankful for my relationships with hubby, parents, family, and friends. I am thankful for my job and my co-workers that make my time and talents worthwhile. I am thankful for my safety.

I have been thinking about safety a lot since last Saturday. I wrote in my blog that day about not knowing what the future holds from one minute to another. That night, about 20 minutes before we were planning to welcome neighbors into our home for a game night, I got a phone call from work. "Rayna, we've had a CODE BLACK at the hospital."

"Code Black?" I questioned, "a bomb threat?"

"Yes, we're out here in the parking lot, we can't go in the hospital." I drove over to the hospital & by the time I got there, the employees were moving back in the building. Luckily they did arrest the man who called the threat and yes, he had planted a bag of explosives, wires, etc, in the men's restroom of the main lobby of the hospital, less than 100 feet from my office. Too close for comfort, I would say! Granted the FBI said that the nothing in the "bag" was connected, therefore could not have exploded. This man is psychotic and probably did not know how to connect the ingredients to create a true bomb. BUT the thought was there!

A couple of months ago hubby & I were "treated" to another bomb threat against our flight from Houston after our vacation. This was thankfully, a threat with no "meat" to it. But, two threats close to home in two months is enough to rattle my bones! I'm not usually a "scaredy-cat" but when I really think about it, it's uncomfortable. What's weird is that we all went about our business on Monday, just as normal. Is it human nature to do that? Go about as "normal"? To protect ourselves? Deny the real threats out there? I don't have the answers.

Regardless, I am soooo thankful that no one was hurt during this threat. I am thankful that there are people out there that did question the "intent" of this man & reported him. I am thankful for safety.

Have a happy Thanksgiving and enjoy your day, wherever you spend it. PEACE!

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