Saturday, November 17, 2007

Hello Out There

Do you remember what it was like as a child, being in the dark? You would hear noises and because of the darkness, you could not tell if it was a big bear or a rambling raccoon in the neighborhood. The suspense was immense and exciting. "Hello, out there!" We'd shout as we wanted the "noise" to show itself, so that we could feel assured that we were not in danger. By saying "Hello," we thought that would show our friendliness.

Today I received a comment on my blog from someone who's known me for "40 some years." Most comments on my blog, I can determine by the content or initials who is writing. This one commentator has me puzzled. "Hello, out there. Who are you?" Writing a blog is pretty brave and maybe stupid at times, just like going out in the dark in the "wilderness." You never know who or what is out there . Yet I continue to expose myself through this medium. It's fun and exciting. And it keeps me honest, I hope!

Every day that we wake up is another day. We may think we know what will happen today, yet if a person really thought about the fact that we are truly entering a dark, unknown wilderness called the future, the suspense would be enough to drive us crazy. Don't you agree? So we go on with our plans for cleaning the house, going to the grocery store for snacks, entertaining friends tonight, etc, etc. Yes we plan. We plan for the future even though we may know in the back of our minds that the "future" is just one second away, all the time! And we truly do not have a clue what could happen in the next second. Just the same, the "past" is one second behind us. What I wrote just seconds ago, I can erase and revise. However, once I click on "publish post," my words are gone for others to read and I can't take them back.

Let us not be afraid to go out in the dark wilderness of life. Be aware that they may be big bears out there. Plan for the "noises" in darkness of our future life to be rambling raccoons, surviving just as we are. Realize that you may never find out "who's out there?"


Anonymous said...

Hi rayna,
That certainly didn't take long.
This is Randy (that middle Berg boy)from the farmhouse, geez, that was a while ago, does it really seem that long ago we would play softball out on the lawn? reading your blogs sure makes one sit back and refect on life(past,present, and to make the best of the future)
Really enjoy your blog, keep writing.
all the best to you and yours,


Rayna Delaney said...

Thanks Randy!
Your anonymous comment sure got me thinking. But then again, all it takes for me to start writing is a little seed of thought and I'm inspired. Thanks for the "inspiration." Rayna