Monday, November 5, 2007

Old Age

This weekend hubby & I went to the island for a music fest and shrimp fest. Our main reason for going was for the shrimp fest as we both like shrimp and then hubby entered us on the music fest web-site for free tickets. I won a 3 day pass so then he paid for one. It was actually fun to sit and listen to different styles of music and have a few drinks. We stayed overnight there & took the bus and cab to our venues. Many of the bands seemed to be from Austin, TX and one band had a very loyal following of fans (about 20 young people). The music they played was reminiscent of the 70's and they (and their fans) dressed the part..... hippie-looking clothes, dreadlocks, sandals or no shoes.

All of sudden, I felt very OLD! I am old enough to be their grandmother! I just sat there dumb-founded. What happened to the years? What happened to me? What have I done? Oh my gosh, it was not a good feeling & I truly sat there so serious. I just wanted to cry. Where is my youth? Sometimes reality hits hard. Then an old favorite song of mine was played, "Rocky Top Tennessee." I just could not keep still any longer. I was up on feet clogging and clapping my hands and singing. I found my youth.... in my heart... young of heart. Music touches the heart and soul more than most anything can, I think.

I know that some day my feet won't "clog" and my hands won't "clap" and my voice won't "sing" and I can assure you that my heart will be smiling and jumping for joy when I hear Rocky Top Tennessee. In the meantime, I guess I will just act young at heart and maybe even embarrass myself. Because someday, I won't even remember that I've embarrassed myself. Someday, I won't even remember to be depressed about OLD AGE!

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