Friday, January 6, 2012

Changing times

I am listening to a CD of Christian songs song by a quartet of singers from my home area - NW Wisconsin.  What a beautiful blend of voices and what a tribute to God! 

I am amazed of what has transpired in 35 years.  Thirty-five years ago, one of the singers was a young mother with a son who has ADD or ADHD.  That son was in my class as I did my internship teaching before I graduated with a bachelor degree in education.  That son gave me so much grief that I almost decided to never teach again.  I remember that Parent-Teacher conferences were coming up and I hoped that the parents of this young man would come so I could tell them how horrible their son was!   I expected to see a red-neck woman, unkempt and herself a no-good woman.  I had heard that the father was a tough guy, that not many could tolerate his attitude.  I waited with expectation that at least the mother would show up.  I did not, at that time, know too many mothers that did not attend their child's conference.  They never showed up, I was disappointed and life went on.

Flash forward 33 years and I see the student's name on my sister's facebook and decide to "friend" him.  I don't know what possessed me to do so, but I was surprised when he accepted my request. 

Flash forward another year and a woman alone sits next to my husband (I was at a Christian conference that weekend) in church.  He noticed her name and home address on the church sign-in sheet.  After a few minutes of discussing where we came from and where she lived (in the summer), my husband asked her, "Are you related to XXX (name of student)?"  Her response was, "How do you know him?  I'm his mother." 

Imagine my surprise when hubby relayed this event and discussion to me.  I was not sure that I wanted to meet this woman, but then again, why not?  So one of the following Sundays I met her, what a pleasant and humorous lady.  I was pleasantly surprised!  Pleasant is the best word to describe our friendship and the following times we have spent together. 

Now, I rejoice with her in being part of this talented quartet of a small church in rural Wisconsin.  God does judge, but probably not as harshly as we judge ourselves and other people.  Holding grudges does not hurt anyone but ourselves. 

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