Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Watch out!

You never know what I'm going to say in this blog. I write how I think, in analogies and concepts and whatever comes to my mind. My sister has a blog, a very well-written, entertaining, humorous and often thought-provoking. To be politically correct, I'd better say her blog is always thought-provoking. My writing, on the other hand, is analytical, rambling and often raises more eyebrows (er I meant questions than answers) as in "what the heck is she talking about?" Sometimes I write for my "audience," probably more than I want to admit. Sometimes, I write to purge my thoughts and feelings.

Today's Wild Woman quote:
"I run the show and I'm a whole theater in myself."
- Mary Ellen Pleasant

That got me thinking about myself. I'm a "Leo," lion-lover, bossy, and sometimes want to be the center of attention. Really though, there are many times, I'm just fine with blending into the woodwork... at some parties or a get-together. I think that's why I'd rather do the hosting and entertaining as I can observe others (hopefully) having a good time and providing the food and drink. I have hosted a good number of parties in my time! Read, I did not write I have hosted a number of good parties in my time. But hopefully, it's both!

I took and created one of those facebook quizzes, "How well do you know Rayna?" One of the questions was "what did you want to be as you were growing up?" Well, I did forget one response and that is an actress. My mom & I used to stay up on Saturday night watching old movies and I'd dream of acting in a movie. Except I was not extroverted enough to get into the acting part, although I had a bit part as a French maid in a high school play. "French maid!" I was so naive I didn't even get the innuendos associated with my part. Oh well, there's worse things than being naive, or is there?

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