Thursday, June 4, 2009


"Don't agonize. Organize."
- Florynce Kennedy

My desk is a mess! There's no doubt about it. I seem to get started on a project than another problem/challenge comes up and I set aside the paperwork. Too often that paperwork gets buried under another project, etc. Today, I had only one meeting on my calender so I decided to tackle one of my many half-a-foot high piles. I was going to organize my desk, which means putting lots of old notes and emails (of course I can read email better if it's on paper) into the shredder.

I had to chuckle when I found emails from 2007 in the piles! Oh, well! I did however find some "assignments" that I needed to do. Ouch! No sense in agonizing, right? How old does a person have to be to stop saying, "I'm going to get organized one of these days"? How many seminars on getting organized and handling multiple projects do I have to attend before it sinks in?

Today I did have successes at work beside getting rid of seven inches of paper. I was a counselor with one of my staff having some family concerns. I was a cheerleader when I got to announce the Employee of the Month for our department and send emails to the runner-up nominees with all the great comments their co-workers wrote about them. I sure hope that my staff can read their email on computer and don't need to print everything like I do. Otherwise, if you hear of a office fire fueled by lots of paper or hear of desk collapsing on an old manager, you'll know it mine!

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