Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Negative versus Positive

"Having a positive perspective toward your health is a better approach than the negative, self-sacrificing mode many people adopt in an attempt to lose weight. Above all, remember this: Not all of us can be skinny, but all of us can be fit."

This was a quote from a newspaper article I read recently. I wish I could say that I have learned over the past months to live without a "negative, self-sacrificing mode." However, I seem to have daily bouts of poor-me and "It's not fair!"

Is there anyone out there who has NOT ever screamed, "It's not fair!"? If so, how do you do it? I have gotten to the point the past couple of days of saying it's not fair that I have to walk every morning so that I can eat what I want. In other words, if I continue to eat as I want and I don't walk, I know that I will soon gain my weight back. I say and think all of this even after writing about (read gloating about) my walking and writing habits in the last blog. Yes, I'm guilty. Getting up at 5:30 am every morning & hitting the pavement hot & heavy is not my cup-of-tea (read poor me). Yes, I claim to be doing it to become a fit person and I can't deny that I do feel better and have lots more energy.

However, I'm frustrated with the fact that I have to walk to keep my weight off. And the reason I'm just maintaining my current weight even though I'm walking a lot is that I choose to eat what I want, when I want. I eat what & when I want because I feel sorry for myself that I can't have it all. It's a vicious cycle, walk so that I can eat what I want and the more I eat, the more I need to walk.

Now, I'm getting frustrated with myself for not being able to say NO to certain foods. If I did say "no" to foods, I may be able to lose weight as I continue to walk. However, I can't seem to get with that logical program. What have others done to get over this self-deprecating, negative attitude? Help!

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