Friday, December 7, 2007

Let the Sunshine In!

Remember that old children's song, "Oh, let the sunshine in, Face it with a grin"? Today was a very hectic day at work. The project that I planned on working at the beginning of the day was not touched as one meeting or "crisis" after another happened. We had a plugged up toilet on the third floor that created an interesting water fall into one of my departments' first floor office. So I had to do some schedule changes, including tomorrow's schedule as this mess won't be cleaned up until tomorrow morning sometime and the person usually scheduled to work there can not do so.

Anyway, about 5:10 pm, I called hubby and said, "It's a pizza and beer night!" My favorite food and drink are pizza and beer. Can't deny it, won't try to deny it! I can't even say how many years ago, I came up with the phrase, "It's a pizza and beer night." Whenever it had been a stressful day at work, I would state the menu for that evening's meal. Granted, hubby also likes pizza and beer. He may not love it, but he has no problem with my menu choices. I think he knows that if my day is that stressful to declare that menu, he had better not argue!

Anyway, after I called him to go out and get a pizza, I was looking forward to leaving about 5:20 pm. I went up to say "good-bye" to the remaining staff members and when they saw me with my purse in hand, they had this look of terror, grief, or horror, I'm not sure which. But their body language, their look on their faces (see previous blog on body language) told me "over our dead bodies are you leaving." So I put my purse on the floor, went back to office and helped them get caught up.

Anyway, to get back to my original point of this blog, I walked out of the building about 5:40 pm with the knowledge that I have to go back tomorrow .... to work on that project....I was bathed in a dusky sunlight. It hit me! It's still daylight out and I was excited. I know that my family and friends up North were totally in the dark already. At this time of year they have about 9 hours of daylight and down here we have about 11 hours of daylight. I am soooo thankful!

It was one of the hardest realities about moving back Up North after 15 years in California & Georgia to be deprived of sunlight during the winter months, except on weekends. I may be a SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) sufferer, I'm not sure. However it sure feels good now to have that daylight going to and coming from work. The sunlight tonight almost felt so good that I didn't need that pizza and beer when I got home. Nah! Life is good, even better when I get three of my favorite things! :)


Ron Hedberg said...

Perhaps someday you'll miss the brighter sunshine when it sparkles across the bright white landscape of new fallen snow. But, for now, enjoy the warmth!

Anonymous said...

People should read this.