Saturday, June 30, 2007


W.W.W. Does my title puzzle you? If you are one of my sisters of which I have six, it means Wild Women's Weekend. But that is the source of whole other blog next fall.

Actually the W's stand for three important things & actions in my success this week.

W = WRITE Write down what I am eating. Write down what I am feeling.
This is the first time in my years of trying to lose weight that I have consistently and honestly written down what I'm eating. It builds my responsibility to myself by being accountable. I write down what I eat, how much I eat, the calories and the fat grams. Others might write down their consumption of sugar, food exchanges, carbs, sodium, etc. It's so important to write it down as it's so easy to forget that single piece of sweet that ends up being 100 calories or that spoonful I ate while cooking that ends up being more than the 1/2 cup I thought I consumed.

Writing in this blog is helping me. It keeps me accountable and helps bolster my feelings (emotions).

W= Weigh Weigh my food. Measure my food. I have to know how much I am putting into my mouth. There are a lot of good resources that tell me that 4 ounces of meat is about the size of a deck of cards. Otherwise I use a food scale, which I keep on the counter as a reminder. No more hiding it in the back of the cupboard. One more weigh .... I weigh myself on a scale. In the past I have done daily weigh-in. This time I'm doing it differently, once a week and on Wednesday.... there's a couple of more W's! I don't want to be a "slave" to the scale. I want to focus on eating appropriately each day, one day at a time! However I do realize that the scale will help me see if I need to change some aspects of my food plan.

W= Water Water is such an important part of any food plan and thankfully, I love my water. It hydrates me, it fills me up, its quick and easy and cheap, it's wonderful! Exercise, a word that I often frown at, is important and with any type of exercise, it's important to keep hydrated.

That reminds me there's another W word that is part of my success this week, WALK! I have walked everyday for 20 minutes and today I did 40 minutes. There are so many ways to exercise and right now, I choose to walk. Again, it cheap & easy.

It's been a week since I started this project of changing my lifestyle. It's been very interesting for me. It's different! It different than other times in my life. I am not using the D word diet, because that word and concept punish me and I realize that after so many attempts. This is a change for the better. This feels soooo good! It's uplifting to my spirit and emotions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your blog, Rayna. You are such a Leo--very creative and self expressive! Your writing shows how thoughtful and wise you are...