Tuesday, November 19, 2013


When I knew that I was retiring from my full-time outside the home job, I suddenly had this urge to become a "housewife."  I have never done that before so it sounded rather appealing....for some reason!  :)

Today is day two of retirement and I have already developed somewhat of routine...won't call it habit just yet.  I wake up around 8 and went for a mile walk around our community.  While I cooled off some, I read emails and facebook.  Then I showered and put on my Hawaiian muumuu (that I bought at local flea market) so that I could finish cooling down.  Made my breakfast and coffee, read the newspaper, and did the Sudoku puzzle.  Got dressed and made the bed.

Yes, I made the bed two days in a row!  I will not deny that the only time in years that our bed gets made is when fresh-cleaned sheets are put on the bed and when we are going out of town.  I have the philosophy that I need to make the bed before leaving town in case we're in an accident and someone has to break into our house to get things for us!  It's very similar to needing to wear clean underwear in case you're in an accident. 

To further my role as housewife, I am now doing some cooking and I'm even cleaning up the dishes and counter as I finish.  I even have a bottle of hand lotion by the kitchen sink so that when I'm done with dishes, I can put on some hand lotion.  You can call me "Harriet" (of Ozzie and Harriet fame).  I can't remember "Father Knows Best" wife name....Margaret?

LOL  Oh well, if you can't laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at? 

There may be those of you out there reading this wondering why being retired for two days is soooo different from having a couple of days off work.  Well, first of all, any vacation days off in the past umpteenth years, I am going out of town somewhere.  I didn't take vacation days to stay HOME!  Weekends were a mixture of getting some things done around the house, but more time thinking of how many more hours before I have to go-back-to-work. 

Anyway, I don't think I can call myself a housewife or domestic goddess yet, but I  sure will be "working" at it.  Heck! I have to "work" at something, don't I?  No work, no play. 

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