Sunday, December 15, 2013


Yesterday, I ran across a posting on Facebook titled, "To The Women Who Choose Not to Have Kids."  The author says, "Thank you."  It intrigued me enough to read the whole article, in which she says,
Thank you for recognizing that child rearing isn't for you and being true to who you are.  It doesn't mean you hate kids.

As the oldest of eight children in the family, I became aware at a rather young age the responsibilities of rearing children.   I had to help the younger ones get cleaned up and dressed and because our mother just "didn't like to cook" and I did, I became the chief cook and bottle-washer in the family too.  Then, just before my senior year in high school (1968)my parents had twins born into the family.  A couple more cute and adorable siblings to care about and care for...feed and bathe and help get dressed.  There were a few times early in the school year (that fall) when mom would wake me up in the middle of the night and ask me to feed the bottle to one twin or another as she was falling asleep holding them and was afraid she would drop them.  So I got up and fed the twinsie and then crawled back into bed.  It was a "rude" awakening to realize more of the responsibilities that having a child meant. 

So contrary to my "dream family (of two kids) & house" that I created in my Junior year of high school, I decided I wanted only ONE child in my life.  I had a friend in high school that was an only child and I spent enough time in her home and in her life to realize that being an only child had some distinct advantages.  But I put the thoughts of having any children in the recesses of my brain.  I had college to finish and children to teach. 

To complete the education for my degree in teaching, I chose to do intern teaching rather than student teaching.  It was a longer commitment of time (semester versus quarter) and I had full responsibility of the classroom as my supervising teaching was also teaching her own classes.  It was quite a challenge for me, more so than I anticipated.  I had a student that was at time (1975) we called hyper-active, now ADD/ADHD is the correct term (diagnosis).  He basically disrupted the classroom, not in mean way, but trying to be funny.  It was very hard on me, as having been raised in a dysfunctional family, my father an alcoholic and my mother tried to control us kids to be "perfect" to make for the imperfect behavior of our father.  So, that "perfection" propelled me in the classroom.  I couldn't have a kid disrupt my classroom, it showed what an imperfect teacher I was or could become! 

Well, I did get a teaching job the next fall as a Title I teacher, working with students that had learning challenges.  I enjoyed trying to make "games" that would help them learn.  But I was devastated when one day they could comprehend a subject or concept and the next day they would have forgotten all they learned.  Again, I was confronted by my inability to control things in my life.   In the summer of 1976, I got a job in a local hospital doing the admissions, billing and collections.  Since my second love in school was accounting, this job fit me and a profession that continued until my retirement.

In 1980, I decided to take a trip to explore the states.  I quit my hospital job and went traveling by myself to the Southwest and ended up in Colorado.  I became friends with a lady who's sixteen year old daughter was unwed and pregnant.  One day,  she called me to have coffee with her at a local restaurant.  She proceeded to ask me to take photos of her daughter having the baby (as she knew I was into photography).  Of course, I told her, "I have never done anything like that before!"   She said, "But you'd be better (at photographing) than any of us."  So I agreed.  Then she  tells me, "She's started labor and will probably have the baby this afternoon.  Let's go up to the hospital." 

Needless to say, I rushed to get my camera and went to the hospital.  Despite waves of nervousness (i.e. nausea, feeling faint) I managed to take a whole bunch of pictures of the delivery.  I could not see through the lens as my eyes were fogged up from nervousness.  But I remember more what I heard than I what I saw...the doctor talking; the mother crying in pain and panting; the baby crying; the nurses comments.  It was rare moment and so precious.

The next year, 1981, I turned 30 years old and I remember thinking on my birthday, "It's time.  I am ready to settle down and have a child."

Later that fall, my younger sister gave birth to her second child.  My nephew was a big baby, over 10 pounds.  She had a hard delivery and I remember taking photos of him through the nursery window that night. Within a day, the nurses and doctor realized that it was not well for my nephew.  He was transported to U of Minnesota Hospital Neonatal Unit...where my nephew at 10 pounds looked so out of place with all the tiny, preemie babies.  I happened to be able to take time off to go down to the hospital to be with my sister and brother-in-law.  Tests came back and showed no brain activity for the baby.  I sat there with my sister as they made the decision to disconnect life support.  I cry today thinking of that time.  I watched them hold their son as he slowly took his last gasps of air. 

Within 14 months, I had witnessed the birth and death of a baby.  I put the thoughts of having a child "on hold" in my life. 

I moved to California for three years and after having a couple of relationships go nowhere and my job to be discontinued, I made the decision to move back to Wisconsin to find myself a good ol' farm boy and have a family...of one child.  God had other plans for me...I fell in love with a man that had four children from a previous marriage and had been "fixed" after his fourth daughter.  I realized that marrying him, I would not have a child naturally.  We talked about adoption.  It was at this point that I realized that I did not think about having children 100% of the time.  I had read and heard about women that thought about having a child ALL the time.  It was not a burning desire within me.  I will state that if hubby and I would have been able to have a child, we would have!  So yes, I did grieve about my inability  to have a child naturally.   And we had the choice to adopt a child, but again, I realized that "having a child" was not a burning desire within me, we chose our relationship to remain childless. 

Do I ever regret that decision?  Seldom. 

I was fortunate to witness the birth of a child.  It broke my heart to witness the death of a child.  I was fortunate to have eleven nieces and nephews and watch them grow into awesome adults!  So as the author of the aforementioned article continued.  
Thank you for being honest and open and refusing to apologize for who you are.  Everyone has different values.  Everyone wants something different in life.  It takes a lot of guts and confidence to say, "This is what I want in life.  It's not the orthodox way, but it's my way."

You are welcome!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Stan the Man

There are times in our lives when we meet someone and our encounter with them may be brief, yet they so deeply touch our lives. 

Today, my family and I heard that Stan the Man has passed away.  What a guy!  What a blessing he was to our family.  Stan was another resident in the Continuing Care Center that my dad resided in for 3 months prior to his death.  He was 97 years old and quite spry!  He became my dad's biggest cheerleader, wheeling himself down to Dad's room and talking to him, sharing jokes with him  (and our family) and encouraging my dad to "get out of bed and come down to the dining room."  My dad had his ups and downs while there and often didn't want to or couldn't get out of bed.  All my family would try to talk him into getting up and encouraging him to take nourishment; most of the time in vain. But Stan the Man could seem to get my dad to get out of bed and eat.  So Dad would surprise Mom or one of my siblings when they came to visit by going down to the dining room to eat and visit with Stan. 

One minute we would swear Dad was having his last days, then he'd rally round and eat and get out of bed.  Those were days of ups and downs for our family.  In the midst of these ups and downs, Stan remained a constant friend.  His smile was contagious and jokes were amusing.  We all fell in love with him.  Even I, who only met him briefly while on a weekend visit up there, could see the charm and caring personality that Stan possessed. 

I am quite sure that Stan and my dad are up in Heaven, sharing a table and talking up a blue storm.  Better watch out for some stormy weather coming, as it's probably those two up there stirring up another wild story of their lives.  We will miss you Stan!  Miss you too, Dad!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Gray Saturday?

I saw someone mention that yesterday was Gray Saturday.  I couldn't find too much about that term on Google, except that after Black Friday comes Gray Saturday.  Did a little shopping on Black Friday for a first time experience.  I am usually on vacation or working on the day after Thanksgiving, so it was unique to go out and experience it.  Actually, it was a piece of cake and very light crowds in my estimation.  Granted, I was no where near the electronics section of the stores and I waited until after 9 a.m. to venture out.  :)

Saturday came with warmer temperatures after our cool front visited us for a week.  The warmer temperatures helped to deal with the mostly cloudy sky.  Hubby was gone most of day on courier runs and I was alone.  Alone with my thoughts of family Up North getting  together for the annual Cookie Bake.  Last year I promised them and myself that I would be attending this year.  But, that was before I decided I just had to see and experience Hawaii.  So, it was not in-the-cards this year for me to travel up there.  There's always next year.

I guess if I was going to feel lonely, I best do something that made me think of family.  NO!  I did not bake cookies.  I created their Christmas present - a calendar with photos that I have taken in the past year. It was fun re-living some of the experiences and re-loving places we visited by picking out photos for their calendar.  I hope they will like it!

Also, I created our Christmas card and ordered it.  Now it's to get that annual Christmas letter written.  In the theme of Thanksgiving, it's always nice to reflect back on the past year and where we went and what we did.  It seems we never run out of things to write about!  The beginning of year we had Mom & Dad visiting us and the birth of a new great nephew, Nash, to the end of the year and our Hawaii trip.  Lots of good things in between, so very thankful.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Sleep and Silence

In the months prior to my retirement, I often wondered what these days would be like.  I did imagine getting more sleep, which has been blissfully wonderful.  Did I say I LIKE it?!?  I am what statisticians call a "mid-morning person."  I don't like early morning but by 10 am, it's my prime productivity time until about 2 pm.  After 2, I would fight sleep and I was usually ready for sleep by 10 pm. 

Now, that I don't have to have the alarm set every day, it's blissful to sleep until my body says "wake up."  Most days that has been after 8 or 8:30 am ....times in the past that I would have to be at work! 

At night I have found that I am staying up later to read or watch a movie.  It feels great to have that option.  Last night I accompanied my hubby on a courier run to a town about 2.5 hours or so from here.  I even did half the driving.  Since I did have an appointment today at 10 am, I thought I had better set the alarm for 9 am as a precaution since we got home a little after 2 am this morning.  I forgot how to set my alarm clock!  Hubby and I got a chuckle out of that one.

One of the things I imagined about retirement was having the radio or CD's playing all day with my favorite music.  I have not!  I am not sure why not, but I am enjoying the silence in the house.  No phones ringing, no overhead public address announcements, no kids crying in the lobby outside my office. This, too, has been blissful. 

I find it ironic, some of things I am discovering about retirement and about myself.  I am sure there are more discoveries....after all I've only been retired for 8 work days!  The other days were vacation. 

Speaking of vacations, my friends are already asking me, "when and where to is your next trip?"  Just saw a bargain on a two-nights stay in New Orleans.  Hmmm? 

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Hit ya!

Sometimes things hit ya like a lead pipe along the head....Wham!  It wouldn't be a "wham" if it was expected or planned.  Today, I was watching the Packer - Viking game at a local restaurant/bar and the game went into overtime.  All of a sudden I thought of my dad and I could imagine him say loudly and with a force of breath being expelled from his mouth.... "Uff!"  And he would kind of shake his body like trying to repel the feeling.  I could even see him in "his chair" watching the game on their TV at home. 

I started to cry, missing him.  Ya never know when the grief will hit ya! 

I will be the first to admit that I rarely cry.  Once in a great while, a movie may touch me enough to drop a tear or two, but not too often.  I have sometimes wondered if I was too bitter, angry or emotionally dead and that is why I wouldn't cry? 

Thanks to hubby and his handkerchief, I think I managed to regain composure and finish watching the game that ended up as a tie. 

Dad had a way of saying something that was witty or funny and it would just "hit ya" to start laughing.  It brings a smile to my face, even now.  In a few days, it will be six months since his passing.

I think I will just call my dad's better half, my mom, and see if she watched the game.  She could be quite the cheerleader too....especially when it came to Packer-Viking games.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Cold Front

The weatherman has been warning us all week...."there's a cold front coming."  The newspaper today said, "Get out your gloves, hats and jackets, the cold front is coming." 

I live in the southern tip of Texas, about 75 miles northwest of South Padre Island/Brownsville.  It's a semi desert or tropical paradise depending how much irrigation and water is used to make the desert into tropics. The first year or two of living here we had mild winters, never even turned on the heat.  Then for the past few years, we have had cold fronts hitting us now and then.  In fact two years ago, we had two killing frosts. 

Being from Up North, I welcome a cold front now and then.  It refreshes me!

Today, a massive rain storm came through and dumped lots of water on the Valley (as we fondly call this area we live in).  At noon the temperature was 85 degrees and by tomorrow morning it will be in the forties!  Yes, 40 +/- degrees! 

Again, I look forward to it, I can actually wear my jeans and my long sleeve shirt (I  think I only have one or two long-sleeved shirts) that I wear occasionally in the winter.  So bring it on, Old Man Winter....but just don't expect me to move back Up North where you reside for six months of the year! 

Thursday, November 21, 2013


Day 4 of my retirement week and I have discovered some things already. 

1. It's possible to stay awake beyond 10:30 pm when I know I won't have an alarm to awaken me in the morning.  Sleeping past 8 am must be contagious as even hubby slept until 8:30 am this morning.

2. Going grocery shopping during the weekday means I can get an upfront and close parking spot.  I know I need the exercise, but I already walked a mile in the morning.

3.  Going grocery shopping as a retiree means I see that products have prices!  Believe me, my hubby can attest to the fact that I never looks at prices when grocery shopping.  Hubby (previously a purchasing manager) often quizzes me on the what something cost and was there a cheaper brand?  "I don't know, I didn't look at the price.  I needed it, I bought it."  Fortunately for us, money has not been an issue.  I think, due to decreased income, my thinking is already changing.

4. Along the same thoughts of food....I have not lived up to my worst fears of retirement....that I would eat myself out of house and home if I am home every day with nothing to do!  In fact today, we ate breakfast so late, we are having two meals today with a candy snack in-between.  I have not lost my sweet tooth.

5. Invitations for weekday activities can now be accepted.  Went to a friend's open house yesterday.  Felt so good!

6. I can clean and rearrange one drawer or shelf each day and feel like I accomplished something.  At this rate I should have the house clean by the time I reach age 70.  Add to that going through photos to delete and sort & I will keep plenty busy. 

In fact after the first day jitters, I have found this lifestyle growing on me.  But, you know me, I  will keep you posted! 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Hawaii Photos

Arizona Memorial - Pearl Harbor  The USS Arizona sank here and part of ship shows on left
Map of Pearl Harbor
Draft of President Roosevelt's speech to Americans

Last paragraph of speech indicated the loyalty of Americans

Honolulu Beach with Diamond Head in background

Honolulu Beach


Maui Beach

Luau Exhibitors

Paul's 70th birthday at Luau

Following photos are Scenes from Luau
Paul enjoyed the coconut bras and I enjoyed the loincloths!  :)


Surfer in Maui

Scene along the Road to Hana

The Road to Hana - over 40 miles, 600 curves and almost 50 one-lane bridges.

A one-lane bridge

Black Sand beach near Hana

Volcano in Hawaii - the Big Island

Lava photos

Sea Arch of Lava

Sunrise over the Big Island - Hawaii

Paul & I after an exhausting trail hike taking photos of the above waterfalls.

Sunrise and Lighthouse on Kauai

Kauai Waterfalls

Chickens everywhere

Kauai Valley - Growing Taro

Hawaiian Humor

Blowhole in Lava created a spout of sea water about 20 feet (can reach 60 feet).
Took an airplane ride over the island of Kauai. 

The Grand Canyon of the Pacific

The following photos are of the Na Pali coastline, very rugged and accessible only by sea or air.

Na Pali coastline at sunset from ship's deck.

Sunrise over Honolulu and Diamond Head (photo taken from our stateroom balcony on last morning of cruise)

Waikiki beach at sunset.

Oahu outrigger and rainbow

The following photos are  from the Polynesian Cultural Center, exhibits and shows from many Pacific Islands

Waikiki at sunrise

Outrigger Hotel on the Beach - Waikiki

View from our balcony looking inland.

Honolulu airport has this beautiful open-air garden in the middle of the terminal.  What a way to wait for your flight!

Even the view from the airport is impressive. 

Great trip!