Saturday, September 29, 2007


The saga continues. Since I last wrote this week, I lost 3 pounds one day, lost 2 more the next day, gained 1 pound the next day and now lost that pound. So now I'm at the same weight as last Saturday, however if you go by my daily weigh-ins I think I gained 7 pounds this week and lost 7 pounds. Go figure! Like I said before, sometimes you just have to laugh. :)

Yes, sometimes you just have to laugh with or at family too. The saga continues there too. First of all my six sisters and I are anticipating our annual sisters weekend (10/11-10/14), this will be our ninth annual Wild Women's Weekend. The first major decision is where are we going to stay? We found early on that we prefer to have a separate house so that we can whoop and holler and laugh loudly. Rather than get every one's fingers in the pie - which we ALL like to do- we designate two sisters to locate the place and the rest of us agree (read "keep our mouth shut"). It usually goes quite well and we get pictures and websites of the location so that we "dream" about it. Then the next decision is who's going to drive (carpool) and who's going to be in charge of food and activities. Well, it's two weeks away and we're still trying to decide who's going to drive. I think I drove six of the first seven years and I don't mind driving at all, however this year I will be flying in and have no car, so I'm trying to stay out of that decision.
Oh, I forgot, what time are we going to leave? Don't even go there, Rayna!

The other saga that our family is going through is planning my dad's 80th birthday party. We sisters thought we would keep it simple, just kids (8 of us) and our families for a total of around 30 of us, give or take an absent grand kid or step-grandchild. Since I was going up North two weeks before, I was not planning on going up for my dad's birthday, just spending a day after the sister's weekend with he and Mom. Then about two weeks ago, we all got the message from my dad, "It's my 80th birthday, I think that's a big deal and I want to celebrate it with lots of people." (read "with ALL my kids and grand kids"). In our family that means a big party! So then more discussion occurred between Mom, Dad and most of us kids. We are all so opinionated and certainly not afraid to voice our discontent if others don't agree with us. So with the first couple of rounds done, we have knocked-out some ideas and opinions. Now Dad is not feeling well so there are questions about what route do we continue on? I think Dad will rally round and knock us all out on the day of his party and be crowned champion! Oh yes, I made another plane reservation to go up for that weekend.

With both of these sagas, the e-mails have been flying over the computers. You can barely get one read before a response comes from another angle. One of my sisters has a saying she quotes that goes something like "Who took the FUN out of dysfunctional?" Family, you just got love them and laugh. Oh yes, as the oldest child, I usually throw my weight around with the best of them. I try to be witty (read "sarcastic at times"). Oops, one of my faults showing!

All-in-all, we always have a great time at our sisters weekends and I'm sure that this year will be no different. And we always have a nice, fun party for our get-together and I'm sure that Dad's party will be no different. It will be great.

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