Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Let me weigh the situation

There are two schools of thought on how often to weigh yourself. One requires a daily weighing so that you can see how what you've eaten and drank affects your weight. I'm trying that one right now. The other school of thought is to weigh yourself once a week, tried that too.

This morning I referred to my ups and downs on the scale. The more I thought about it, the more I realize that I like to "push that envelope." If someone says go right, I go left. I've done that since I was a small child. I am pushing-the-envelope by seeing how much or how little I eat affects my weight. So far, I don't see enough consistency in my diet or in my weight gains or loses to make a judgement call on the results. Except to say that the scale will go down, then up, then down again. Maybe I need a new scale!

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