Sunday, August 10, 2014

One Week of Rest

A week ago tonight we got home from our trip.  To answer some of your questions....

Yes, it was great being back in my own bed.

Yes, it was great having our flexible, hand-held shower head with decent water-pressure.

Yes, I took a lot of photos, almost 6000.

Yes, it took me all week to review them all.

Yes, Hubby and I are still talking to one another after spending five weeks together, day and night.

Yes, I am glad NOT to be living out of a suitcase.

Yes, I was exhausted!

On Monday, I did the laundry and finished unpacking the car load of stuff that was bought, picked up at museums, needed for two months away from home.  Tuesday morning, I woke up at 10:15 am and couldn't believe how tired I felt after twelve hours sleep.  I  felt like a Mac truck had run me over.  I wondered if I was getting hubby's cold, but I didn't.  The rest of the week, I had no energy whatsoever.  I was glad to be retired and not have to struggle through work the way I felt.

I have been on vacation for two months, why should I be so tired? Upon thinking about it, I didn't have a single day (in those 70 days I was gone) to do nothing or have nowhere to travel.  I was busy or traveling every day!  There was no weekend to rest up.  Truthfully, I am rather surprised that I felt this drained, but I am willing to just let it be and rest.  I am already feeling better and ready for the week ahead.  It helped that last night I saw several of our neighbors and it felt so good to see them and feel welcomed back.  Today, the same thing in church.  

Yes, this is home and I'm glad to be here having lots of memories of all the experiences I had this summer.  Life is good!

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