Saturday, November 12, 2011

On the road again!

Can't wait to get on the road again!  My favorite words from a good ol' country song.  This time, I'm not talking about taking a another road trip to see the sights of the world.  This time, I'm talking about my journey to feel and think better.  I've had some very stinkin' thinkin' going on lately and it's affecting me in more ways than I'm willing to share here... atleast right now.

On this journey, unlike my road trips where I jump right into the action, I have to first pick myself up off the ground.  It's a humbling place and a painful place to be, but I'm willing to stop groveling in the gravel of life's roads.  The willingness to stop groveling is a first big step.  This whole line of thinking reminds me of the 12 step program.  One of the first steps has to do with "willingness." 

You know, as painful as it's been... the pain becomes a part of me.  It's familar and it's difficult to let go of the that.  Letting go leads to willingness, I hope!  I wish I knew the answers

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