Tuesday, January 24, 2017

A Long Time

It's been sixteen months since I last posted on my blog.... a long time!

A lot has happened in that time frame.  First of all, why am I back on this blog?  My hubby and I are in Arizona for three months (January - March) renting a park model in a resort and I joined the writing club here.  About 12 years ago, I was part of a writing group and then we moved to Texas, I did not find or create another writers group.  

I think I decided to join this writing group when I realized that I was bored and did not have enough creative outlets other than getting frustrated with all the political post on Facebook. And that is not "creative."   I feel, regretfully, that Facebook has lost the original intent of sharing parts of our lives with each other.... what are we doing, who are we visiting, where are we traveling.  Today, it's sharing posters (though some are cute or nice) and links to political slandering.  Just my opinion, folks!

The first week of writers club, I wrote a short piece about a friend.  Last week, the assignment was "memories."  One night, I dreamed that I was having a memory about building a shelf. However, I never had that experience of building a shelf.  But I was able to take that seed and grow a story about three children and their father that did build a shelf.  It was fun using my brain and putting words together into sentences that created a story.  After reading my story to the group, I was pleasantly surprised by the smiles, hand clapping and words of encouragement I received.  It definitely gave me encouragement to continue writing.  Now, I don't claim to be a good writer, just a writer that hopes to improve my skills as I write.

So this "old" blog is being rejuvenated....if only as a way for me to share what I doing, who I am visiting, and where I am traveling.  Come along for the ride if you wish as I will not be sharing this blog on Facebook, so you will need to go to the website and read about my thoughts at www.thepesproject.blogspot.com 

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