Saturday, October 6, 2007

Spiritual Experience

Last week I wrote about weighing myself every day through last Saturday and the ups and downs of doing that. So this week I decided to weigh myself twice a week, but as it turned out it was a weekly weigh-in. Truthfully, my food choices have not been the best this week and I was scared to get on the scale. I did not want to see another 3-4 pound weight gain again! So I avoided the scale all week until today.

I have still been walking daily for two miles and I am trying some "jogging" sprints and "race" walking. It's getting my heart-a-pumpin'! It even affected my muscles in my legs, they were sore. But it feels good!

This morning I was the same weight as last Saturday. To me, that's success considering how I ate this week. I have lost a little bit over 13% of my body weight. The weight loss is slower now, but I'm still determined to lose 30% of my body weight.

This coming week I will be traveling to join my six sisters for our annual sister's weekend. One of the activities that is planned is to answer a dozen questions that will basically inform the others what's been happening for the past year in each of our lives - "all about you!" One of the questions is "Did you have a spiritual experience you wish to share?" I left that question blank until the end, because if you've been reading this blog, you know I have struggled spiritually. After reviewing my other answers, I came up with this response in referring to this PES Project.

At first I wondered if I would continue on this journey and when I passed the 25 pounds weight loss and then the 90 days mark, I felt like I had a spiritual experience. Because I thought "only God could keep me going with this."

It's not my will be done, it's His will be done. If it was my will, I would be sleeping in the morning and eating all my F foods- favorite or forbidden!

I am getting close to a weight that I got-down-to about 3-4 years ago, just before a Caribbean vacation. :) I am wondering what it will feel like to get one pound below that mark? Will I shout for joy or cry tears of joy? Stay tuned, it may happen this week or next week or the next week. I just know it will happen, if the good Lord willing and the creek don't rise!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Since I can't get out much now. I do a lot of window watching. I saw you go by Saturday morning and noticed all the weight you have lost since I last talked to you. I am so proud of you and your determination. Keep up the good work. EB